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Subject: I've Been Thinking ( *ouch*)

Scooby Goo
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Date Posted: 12:48:13 10/18/02 Fri

I got this WON-DER-FUL idea! I am short on cash and am having to move out of my G'ma's attic so....I am liquidating my extensive Goo-a-belia. I am not even going to mention a cost, I assure you it will be reasonable, but you guys have first dibs and then it's going on that dreaded E-bay! Here goes...

1) My much treasured Dizzy Tour authentic confetti. They are mylar and I several peices to offer. Most are in mint condition.

2) My contact lenses I wore to the Summer Shed Tour. These will be sold as a set, although I may consider splitting them up if there is sufficient interest.

3) My Restraining Orders from the Dizzy Tour. They are no longer valid, but do sport a very legitable Johnny autograph. Suitable for framing. May consider numbered photocopies if this also becomes a hotly requested item.

So there yah go, have at it and don't fight girls! Lemme know what you want, so I can put it aside and begin packing

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[> Subject: Re: I've Been Thinking ( *ouch*)

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Date Posted: 17:52:19 10/19/02 Sat

Now Scoob . . those are all very well and GOOd . . . but you failed to mention the one GOObelia item you have that I have been pining for for eons . . . you know, that condom that Johnny blew up and then batted out to the audience? Is it still inflated? I don't even care actually . . as long as it still has that Johnny DNA on the opening where he blew it up. I NEED THAT DNA!

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[> Subject: Re: I've Been Thinking ( *ouch*)

Scooby Goo
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Date Posted: 09:46:01 10/21/02 Mon

No, I clawed and scratched my way towards it, but never actually touched it. I even offered the to trade my forged set list that I had brought, but the chick wasn't interested.... She didn't even know the words to slide. SHE WASN'T WORTHY!!!!!! AUGH!!!!!

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[> Subject: Re:Me Too! ( *ouch*)

Myself Or Someone Like Goo
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Date Posted: 19:40:41 10/21/02 Mon

Hey If you guys are interested in that stuff I've got some bottles of concert air I'll sell ya!

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