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Subject: My Halloween Review

Scooby Goo
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Date Posted: 08:54:31 11/06/02 Wed

I was pacing around the back of the venue, when I amazingly "bumped" in to Johnny. He was on his way somewhere, but found my costume mildly amusing and began to chat with me. How would I know that it would have an amazing influence in my life. ( so far, lol. )

He started by saying, "Hey, you're the chick in the Scooby suit, huh?. Here, lemme help you with your head. I have thought about you allot and I know why you wear it. Do you have a problem with your identity, or your body?", he said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! He told me I shouldn't smoke because I was going to set myself on fire. ( he kept knocking the cherries off me, lol! ) Then he told me that he thought I could use some rest or vitamins or something. He also said I could use a good teeth bleaching....

All the time we were talking he kept adjusting my Scooby-head. Then he brought up another painful issue of mine. He said I wasting way too much time on them. That I should be spending more time and money on my family. He said that watching Goo tapes was not enough. He said I need to stay off E-bay and the computer for a while. He said I should pay more attention to my husband. The part that really hurt was when he said, " You know you could feed and clothe a whole African village on the money you've spent on us. - Probably even build a nice water well." It was a good thing I was wearing my Scooby-head because I feel my cheeks begin to turn red.

Then he tried to adjust my head again. He said, "Man, I just can't seem to get this sucker right." Then he asked about my job and if they really knew where I was today. That I was taking too many days off and that people must think I am " some sort of freaking nut!" ( that stung.....) That my job would be more important when all this goes to "piss in the wind." ( how poetic is that?!! - god I love that man and his words ) Isn't here a song that goes like that? Anyhoo....

Then that stupid hat wearing Dave showed up and totally broke up our conversation. Johnny jumped on the bus and disappeared in a cloud of exhaust fumes. Usually exhaust fumes gross me out, but not this time. I was in smog heaven. I had the conversation of a lifetime with MY JOHNNY! I will remember this FOREVER!

So guys if you are around I am on IM and will be checking things out on the computer for the next five hours or so. I called in sick today because I am still high from those bus fumes, lol! OH and I have an auction that's up soon. The family and I are having frozen pizza again tonight..... Don't want to miss that chat that is still happening tonight, right? WAHOO!!!!!

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[> Subject: Re: My Halloween Review

not-so new new goo goo
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Date Posted: 07:12:58 11/07/02 Thu

Wow Scooby Goo. That sure iz some heavy stuff that Johnny laid down for ya. I'm not quite sure how to take it. It kinda pisses me off actually. I mean where duz he get off adjusting your Scooby head like that? Waz it really that crooked that he had to keep on fixin it? And about the smoking thing. You are a grown up Scooby suite wearer, and he haz no rite tellin you what to do. You can take care of yourself,right? If you want to smoke and ignore the whole "flamable Scooby head" warning on the inside of your suite, then thatz your choice. And the vitamin supliment issue iz anuther story. Doesn't he realize that the Slimfast you drink has all of the vitamins and minerals you could possibly need, and it even makes your energy go thru the roof, ta boot? And spendin more time with your husband? DUH!! He is whu-acked! I am gettin more and more mad as I go! Does he really think that he can tell you how to live? We're not tellin him what to do. We don't go on and on and on and on and on and on about how he should stop smoking/drinking/slutting around/cut his hair/not cut his hair/spend more time with his fans/break up with his albino girlfriend/etc. Do we????

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[> Subject: Re: My Halloween Review

Scooby Goo
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Date Posted: 11:34:44 11/07/02 Thu

I am so confused! Were you "The New Goo" a while ago? Why you people have to keep changing your name is beyond me...Any hoo....I can't believe all the messages I've gotten. One week you guys hate me and the next week you are love, love, lovin' me. Again - I am SO CONFUSED!!!!! As far as my head goes, I am quite animated ( no pun intended, lol! ) and it seems to slowly rotate clockwise. I need some glow in the dark arrows or something to line it up, lol. AND....I DO think it's the Goo's business. I represent their fanbase and need to be morally and visually correct. They have to look at me when I am in the front row screaming my brains out at every concert. So shut up and sit down who ever you are!!!!!

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