Subject: My Halloween Review |
Author: Scooby Goo
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Date Posted: 08:54:31 11/06/02 Wed
I was pacing around the back of the venue, when I amazingly "bumped" in to Johnny. He was on his way somewhere, but found my costume mildly amusing and began to chat with me. How would I know that it would have an amazing influence in my life. ( so far, lol. )
He started by saying, "Hey, you're the chick in the Scooby suit, huh?. Here, lemme help you with your head. I have thought about you allot and I know why you wear it. Do you have a problem with your identity, or your body?", he said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! He told me I shouldn't smoke because I was going to set myself on fire. ( he kept knocking the cherries off me, lol! ) Then he told me that he thought I could use some rest or vitamins or something. He also said I could use a good teeth bleaching....
All the time we were talking he kept adjusting my Scooby-head. Then he brought up another painful issue of mine. He said I wasting way too much time on them. That I should be spending more time and money on my family. He said that watching Goo tapes was not enough. He said I need to stay off E-bay and the computer for a while. He said I should pay more attention to my husband. The part that really hurt was when he said, " You know you could feed and clothe a whole African village on the money you've spent on us. - Probably even build a nice water well." It was a good thing I was wearing my Scooby-head because I feel my cheeks begin to turn red.
Then he tried to adjust my head again. He said, "Man, I just can't seem to get this sucker right." Then he asked about my job and if they really knew where I was today. That I was taking too many days off and that people must think I am " some sort of freaking nut!" ( that stung.....) That my job would be more important when all this goes to "piss in the wind." ( how poetic is that?!! - god I love that man and his words ) Isn't here a song that goes like that? Anyhoo....
Then that stupid hat wearing Dave showed up and totally broke up our conversation. Johnny jumped on the bus and disappeared in a cloud of exhaust fumes. Usually exhaust fumes gross me out, but not this time. I was in smog heaven. I had the conversation of a lifetime with MY JOHNNY! I will remember this FOREVER!
So guys if you are around I am on IM and will be checking things out on the computer for the next five hours or so. I called in sick today because I am still high from those bus fumes, lol! OH and I have an auction that's up soon. The family and I are having frozen pizza again tonight..... Don't want to miss that chat that is still happening tonight, right? WAHOO!!!!!
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