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Subject: Re: hello

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Date Posted: 13:22:15 10/31/03 Fri
In reply to: SOL 's message, "hello" on 15:52:09 09/15/03 Mon

holy cow! Responses! Yep. It's me. Same old SOL. I would never, ever, never in a million zillion years try to besmirch the reputation of your or your board Noone!! I worship you too much!!

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[> [> Subject: Re: hello

Scooby Goo
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Date Posted: 17:46:54 11/05/03 Wed

I smell a winner, lol!!! NoOne don't you have some sort of contest you could run? Tippy III ( who of course is non-judgemental ) could help you pick a winner! Maybe you could E-mail me a list of the contestants, and i'll line his cage with it, and wherever he first does his business will be the "chosen one"!

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[> [> Subject: Hello again hello....

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Date Posted: 14:40:22 11/15/03 Sat

Just typed to say... hello. yes I still check this place out .. from time to time... especially when someone emails me to tell me that there's been some action here.. thanksto my minions.. (you know who you are!! *wink wink*)I don't know about a contest Scoobs... I mean all of my "win-able" stuff is tied up in a fundraiser I am doing to benefit a very important cause!! As some of you more priviledged know... I am having difficulty paying my salon bills. (why oh why do they charge so much for a Brazilian Wax?)Anyhoo.. if I don't get some money from you folks soon I might have to take my rent money to pay for my "necessities" and you will all suffer because.. well I don't really know how yet.. but believe me,you all will!! So get busy, sign up for my mailing list and buy buy buy everything I am pirating from everyone else. It's only fair. You don't want to piss me off, I have connections you know.
your beloved NoOne

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