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Date Posted: 09:19:50 01/07/03 Tue
Author: Todd Grinonneau
Subject: Batteries Are Us Article in Newsletter

I enjoyed Jim Hagan's article in the newsletter and couldn't agree more that if the batteries go so does the photographer. I feel like the limiting factor on all this new technology that we love to take with us from cameras to mp3 players, etc. is the batteries. If they run out you can't shoot, listen or play it.

I'm a little paranoid with running out of juice for my digital cameras. I keep two sets of NiMH batteries ready to go for my Olympus 2100 and two batteries and a battery pack for my Nikon 5700 in addition to the batteries that that camera takes in it. Unfortunately, the Nikon takes a proprietary battery and not NiMH's.

In addition to Jim's good idea of keeping the batteries in a 35mm film container, I have found a company that sells nice little cases (battery holders) that hold two AA size batteries each and hook together. These can be found at thomasdistributing.com. They also have started to stock Powerex's 2000 mAh batteries. I may buy some soon, however I really don't need any more right now. The nice thing about ordering from this company is that they give you two free battery holders when you purchase the 2000 mAh set with a four cell battery case.

I also bought the Maha C204F charger from this company and have been very satisfied. They have a new one (POWEREX MH-C401FS) now that has some nice features. The chargers come with the 2000 mAh batteries and of course, the cases.

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