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Date Posted: 16:57:43 01/09/03 Thu
Author: Brian Dehm
Subject: Maumee Bay Photo Op

Rather Than respond to the other thread I decided to post a new one to answer your question Todd.

What photo opportunities are there at Maumee Bay?

In the fall, winter, and early spring there is a good spot to catch sunrises at the end of the road where the cabins are. The sun rises with a very wet marsh in front of you. Thats where the one in the club gallery was taken. You can also walk out the boardwalk to the observation platform, in any season, but I like water in the foreground for the reflection. There is no water from the observation platform.

On the board walk there are many chances to photograph Does and young deer. I see many fawns from the boardwalk in the spring, but I have never seen a buck in this area. I have seen eagles, hawks, owls, racoons, squirrels, several kinds of woodpeckers, herons, egrets, and dozens of different songbirds and marsh birds from the boardwalk.

Neer the big hill, there is a small pond where ducks and geese often can be found. I have also seen frogs and turles at this pond.

The woods south of the parking lot for the campground area is full of deer. I have seen several Bucks in this area as well as hawks and pheasents.

On the beach I have seen gulls, herons and egrets.

The beach and the walkway around the hotel can be a good area to capture sunsets as well

For those People watchers among us, people can be seen boating, swimming, rollerblading, hiking, picnicing (how do you spell that?), biking, flying kites, bird watching and belive it or not... taking pictures.

As far as the light goes, I am not sure if you can see it or not, I dont know where it is.

The biggest problem that I have photographing the reletively tame wild life is other people who jog in the nature areas or walk fast talking in loud voices, shouting and laughing. This tends to make the wildlife scarce. I often hear these people complain that "I didn't see anything". No wonder. I have had a number of photo opportunities ruined in this manner.

I try to go early in the morning when there are not many people around or durring the week when I have the rare day off.

All in all I like to go there and do often.

Check it out.

Brian Dehm

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