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Subject: /\shuffle the deck/\

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Date Posted: 17:07:51 05/09/03 Fri
In reply to: halloween and life 's message, "oopps sorry dunno wot happened" on 10:41:48 05/09/03 Fri

/\He smiled and bowed. Angel m'lady. He nodded his dial. Angel. I only get tough when someone needs protecting or help. He then smiled and chuckled a bit. Trust me, I don't bite. He smiled sweetly before waiting for the mare's responce./\

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: + if demons arn't real, why do they scare me?+ ~* it's a damn cold night, trying to figure out thi life *~

Halloween and Life
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Date Posted: 23:44:48 05/09/03 Fri

+ she took in the word of the stallion. Her face remained blank as she said + Yes, but though, she pledges to Angels, i do not and wuld hate to disappoint any one. Another mare gave me a tip off of a stallion called FS, she also said that his herd had been taken over by a younger one; but he still resides there. + her face showed a flutter of admoation, for a few seconds then it dies and she remained blank +

~* her face spread into an even grin at the stallions words. Though she knew what her sister had said was the truth and she could lead her own life *~ yes. i can see it in your face. You hold no demonic properties within you. Yes, but my dear sister searches for one not of your purity, truely sorry am i, but she leads her own life, pathes her own path. ~* her orbs were soft, as she stepped beside the stallion, nuzzled him in accepance to the intive to his herd. She nodded to her sister that all was well *~

+ she nodded greatfully to her sister and bowed to the brute before her + Thank you for inviting me sir, but i seek another kind. Life, i bid you farwell and to you Ace as well + she nodded and cantered away +

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: /\shuffle the deck/\

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Date Posted: 10:18:25 05/10/03 Sat

/\He smiles at Life then frowns at Halloween leaving them. He shouts after her, If you ever need a home, mine is always welcomed! He said watching her canter away. He then looks at Life. Thank you m'lady Life. I shall protect you, even if it means that I shall get injured badly. That goes with the other mares also.,/i> He smiles and nudges her and motions for her to follow him./\

((OOC:post @ activity check))

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