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Subject: |*|A Taste For Gold|*|

Golden and Butterfly
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Date Posted: 18:36:06 05/11/03 Sun
In reply to: Sweet Revenge 's message, "§Bad Boys Bad Boys Watcha Gonna Do§" on 17:48:36 05/11/03 Sun

The golden mare looked at all the stallions and snorts, was she really that precious.Her father always said that. She looked at all If all three of you want me to live with you, impress me or you could fight it doesnt matter to me. SHe nuzzled the filly and started to graze.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: §Bad Boys Bad Boys Watcha Gonna Do§

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Date Posted: 18:51:37 05/11/03 Sun

~the sun tanned brute nodded, though he would not fight. he had killed his own father in a battle, and he would only fight if absolutely needed. instead his muscles were gathered as his nape was arched greatly. his honey glazed banner was raised as he pranced on spot. his pelt gleamed beneath the rays of the sun. his ashen talons dug into the soft dirt as soft snorts escaped his nares in rythem to the dancing. suddenly he bolted off, his banner flagged high behind him. the wind yanked at his mane, wanting it to fly free. a trail of dust was left behind him as he sped across the lands. his speed was immense, his limbs moving so swiftly they looked like a blur. he circled around the dove and her lamb, halting only when a light sweat appeared on his pelt. he slowed to a walk where he resumed his prancing, though no longer in place. the snorts were louder due to the run and his coat shone greatly due to the sweat intensifing it. once his limbs became tired and his breathing short he slowed to a halt. his emeralds swept over the fae, awaiting her reaction to his show. was it good enough?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: |*|A Taste For Gold|*|

Golden and Butterfly
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Date Posted: 03:58:20 05/12/03 Mon

She watched him obviously impressed. She nodded her head, I like it. I think I will go with you since the others cannot think of anything. I am not a very paticent mare. She stepped closer to Sheriff asn nodded her head as if to say lead the way.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: §Bad Boys Bad Boys Watcha Gonna Do§

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Date Posted: 07:00:44 05/12/03 Mon

~the honey glazed stud nodded, trotting off to Trouble's harem, looking back every bnow and then to make sure she and her filly did not loose the way.~

thank you Golden. i live at Trouble's harem, my father's old herd.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: |*|A taste for Gold|*|

Golden and Butterfly
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Date Posted: 19:52:23 05/12/03 Mon

The mare trotted after him keeping the pace slow so her filly could keep up.

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