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Date Posted: 02:52:19 09/27/01 Thu
Author: WindWalker
Subject: Why?


Life can be taken for granted: tick tock
around the clock we go...
Life can be questioned: why? asks the child:
Who is the wisest, the child who questions all
or the adult, worn down by cares and dissipation
who can no longer even ask, for he’d not hear
the answer?

Unless ye become as a little child
ye shall in no wise enter the kingdom
said a once upon a time master of rhetoric...
and I ask, what does it mean to become as a child?

I cannot remember many of my childhood thoughts
but I do remember the world was much different then,
inhabited by fantastic creatures and sounds
which no science had yet dissected or attempted to explain.

Why do birds not fly backwards when facing the wind?
Why does water rain down, but evaporate upwards?
Why do clouds change shape?
And why do humans fear and hate each other
when love is so much simpler and easier?

You see, some “Why’s” appear silly in themselves,
but asked often enough, one why leads to another
and one why will make you think of something new:
and in one “Why” your life, your world, is changed –

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