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Date Posted: 10:30:12 10/03/01 Wed
Author: Pegasus
Subject: Smeared Traces Of Shame.

Smeared Traces Of Shame.

How chilling
the gust of winds
that kisses my face
to slap awake
the impressions
her lips left behind
upon my cheeks,
while chasing the tears.

Where the reddish still lingers around
as smeared out traces of shame,
glowing from doubting the love of the woman,
who so easily points out my footprints
amongst thousands of others,
left behind on a desolate beach.

How could I be so deaf
to not hear her whispering voice,
sounding similar to the distant surf,
calmly rustling
and so easy to listen to
as it sings the soothing sound
of searching intimacy.

Why does her beacon never weaken,
guiding my drifting love
homeward bound
through the twirling turbulence of mischief,
time after time again,
to eventually let it moor,
at her harbour's shore,
somewhere deep down
inside her core,
where it calmly sways back
to ease again.

Why do I feel so strong
when she embraces
this broken man once again,
while her soft lips wander about my face,
leaving behind the warm impressions,
that will be kissed awake
by a chilling gust of winds,
blowing from the future.

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