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Date Posted: 11:20:35 10/05/01 Fri
Author: Pegasus
Subject: A Summertime Blues. (A poem with Tankas as stanzas)

A Summertime Blues.

Mowers shaving Earth,
let scythes rhythmically sway,
cutting grass to hay,
sprinkling air with nature's scent,
as arched blades blink a sun's wink.

Tranquillity sighs,
breathing green serenity,
rolling through valleys,
slopes over hills tucking Earth,
as nature's woven blanket.

Drafts of easiness,
rustle through the leaves and sing,
nature's evergreen,
sound of life in fullest bloom,
make red roses rock and roll.

Dance, sweet lilies, dance,
swing upon summer's rhythm,
lure the honey bees,
and twirl in walzing circles,
turn, but never move your feet.

Flocks of wooly swabs,
crawling high in azur skies,
drift as lazy shapes,
mysterious memories,
that our eyes have seen before.

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