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Date Posted: 07:40:32 10/19/01 Fri
Author: sp*wells
Subject: Until Tomorrow


She stands alone,
Just outside of the crowd merriment
As they laugh, and loudly vent.

She, who also loves to laugh
With a kitten or a child, playing with leafs
Fluttering in the wind.

Or joys of a day,
That soulfully pays
With smiles and contentment.

She is drawn towards the music
That plays merrily for this crowd
Inspiring her desire, to dance proud.

The heat of the campfire
Melds her, into warmth of sound
As she begins her dance, above life's mire.

At first, she is hesitant
Slowly her steps communicate
Her own, free form style of dance.

With steps learned here and there
Over her many, still youthful years
Despite scared laughter* at her, that has seeded many tears.

People gasp as she becomes
One with the heated air
Floating upon; or so, it would seem.

She dances on and on
Radiating her love for all to share,
Beyond prejudice, giving gifts of no compare.

Until finally, the dance becomes she
Calming her angst and sorrow,
Renewing her hope, with theirs .. for tomorrow.

SuSanne &*_*&

©17 October 2001
All rights reserved

*~Many a time, people laugh
when they do not understand and/or
are embarrassed, by what they have done.
I still remember the incident in 7th or 8th
grade, when I learned this.

Also BIG thanks to Jackson Browne, for his
song " For A Dancer " that put visions into my
head, helping to create this poem.

Angelsis, When this finished flowing from
me, I realized that much of it, made
me think of SammieSis, our Samantha.

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