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Date Posted: 10:19:37 10/19/01 Fri
Author: Pegasus
Subject: Candy Rainbows Embracing The World.

Candy Rainbows Embracing The World.

Oh Lord, let we wander
though the vast fields
of a happy child's imagination,
where castles are made of sand,
cows and pigs know how to fly,
only if they want,
where it rains candy,
all day, on bright sunny days,
without the need of dentists.

The land where only colors
swear at eachother,
the toothfairy still exists, living together
with a friendly bogeyman,
in a simple house that can't be really build,
where dreams still are made of dreams,
cloudless skies are cleaved by countless rainbows,
spectrally hustled and not really made of candy,
but clearly seem to embrace
the entire world.

Where dwarfs and giants
live together,
where the amount of fingers
doesn't count
even may differ from the toes,
where mouths always curl up,
hairdressers won't earn a dime,
where clothing is either casual or natural,
thieves are honest and masked to recognize,
where only pipes and chimneys smoke,
and flags are able to fly
against the wind.

The land where planes never crash into buildings.

With only one Heaven, only making us love fanatically?

Oh Lord, please tell me:
How is it possible
that those vast fields
have grown so narrow?

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