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Date Posted: 19:41:07 10/30/01 Tue
Author: Mutington

Autumn's Sundown

I am the Autumn leaf once green, once firm,
That fed the Ladybug and chatreuse worm.
In Spring a bud..I came unfurled;
I yawned and stretched to see the world.
One orange dawn began my lifelong term.

The robins sang to greet my new-born day.
I watched the squirrels and chipmunks run and play.
I waved to lovers slightly shy,
And danced to nature's lullaby,
While basking in the warmth of each sunray.

Oh how the time has passed me by somehow.
Seems, all but me has fallen from the bough.
I'm dry and dying fast..yet cling,
And feel the chill of Autumn's sting.
The loneliness of death awaits me now.

My changing colors leave me..brittle brown.
My one time joyous smile is now a frown.
Farewell to you sweet mother oak,
For I shall fall at twilight's stroke,
And at your feet, I'll rest as Sun goes down.

Joyce O'Neal ©2001

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