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Date Posted: 00:49:15 03/14/01 Wed
Author: PoeticDream


Forever used to just be a word.
One I had not often heard.
You and I are meant to be.
Are you my fate,my destiny?
I give to you my heart and soul.
It is you that makes me whole.

You are the reason my heart can still beat.
You cause me to sit on the edge of my seat.
Many things are now becoming more clear
As you sit beside me right here.
My heart and soul shall no more roam
For with yours they have found a home.

It is really as true as it seems.
I have found the love of my dreams.
Your spirit I can feel.
Yes,it is real.
Through all kinds of weather
You and I shall remain together.

Do you feel the love tonight?
It is your fires I wish to ignite.
Love is no longer a fairy tale.
With you my passions have set sail.
We can revel in the discovery
That love knows no boundary.

I thought it was too late
For me to ever have a mate.
Was it karma or chance
That allowed us this dance?
As into your eyes I'm gazing,
I see a love that is so amazing.

As next to yours my heart does beat,
I feel so safe, warm and complete.
To my paassion I shall concede
For you alone fill my very need.
Some say love is fantasy.
We know this is reality.

As in your arms I curl
Hidden love begins to unfurl.
You have helped me to see
That someone can love me
And that I do
Eagerly love you.

COPYRIGHT:PoeticDream.March 12,2001.

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