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Date Posted: 09:50:55 03/12/01 Mon
Author: Pegasus
Subject: Love Touched By Light.

Love Touched By Light.

Whenever I look up,
it is as if I'm looking down,
upon myself, or inside,
where I can clearly see
all the reasons why.

As confusing reliving a future can be,
as confusing is the noise of silence
surrounding me.

I hear no questions,
I don't hear answers,
yet to all I respond.

Oh yes, they are there, however,
their vibrations stay within,
captured and embraced by muteness
and as of now I can only guess
why they cannot penetrate from
within my glass innerself.

Perhaps it is because my innerself
cannot be shattered, protected
by the Light, or,
maybe it can only be shattered
by someone casting the first stone,
because of not having done something wrong,

Tell me, is there someone like that existing?

Maybe I should let inside your hatred
to let it do the shatter,
but I found out, that your hatred,
once inside of me,
gets transformed into love,
since the Light absorbs all darkess,
all the shadows of pain.

Like the sun warms the earth,
my spirit gets warmed by this Light,
even on cloudy days.

Inside it feels like an unknown love,
like detached from the body,
feeling unlike it used to be,
as if a dimension was added
I feel it floating around me,
freely, transcendental and spiritually.

It still feels like love,
only the pain of it vanished...

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