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Date Posted: 21:28:10 03/14/01 Wed
Author: WindWalker


Is there one thing that is completely free,
that can be given to anyone, anytime, day or night,
which can drive away gloomy thoughts,
fear, pain, sorrow, even if only for a moment?

If there is such a thing, where can it be found?
If it is free, obviously it cannot be bought,
so it wouldn't be found at Walmart or Costco!
If it can be given anytime, obviously it is quite portable.

Let's look at what is free:
not much is left out there that is: everything, it seems, has a price:
what about air? Air is still relatively free,
if you can still breathe it, that is!
Sometimes it becomes necessary to buy
additional air to breathe when pollution levels are high:
but can I give air? Seems to me that air,
if it is free, can be accessed by anyone;
no one really needs the gift of air -- unless they're getting CPR!

Abstract: think abstract: freedom: is that free? Not at all;
that, in human terms, is a most expensive item;
besides, not everyone wants freedom;
many prefer to remain in slavery
to whatever holds them and simply call their particular ball and chain
"freedom": don't try to offer such individuals true freedom,
they'll quickly label you a communist, a trouble maker, a weirdo
and make an example out of you for being anti-social.

More abstract: think of love: is love free? Perhaps,
depends on the interpretation; often, it too has a great price:
often, it too is rejected, on the grounds that the one who offers love
must, of necessity, want something equally valuable in return.
But that's not love! you say, and right you are! (Pretty smart for your age!)

Love truly is free. It's completely portable,
it can be given anytime of day or night:
it has remedial powers, even if temporary;
and I bet, if we think about this, we see that it never runs out,
like the horn of plenty, it's always full.
Oh, there is one other thing left that may qualify:
a smile. Dare try one right now! Don't be dismayed
if it turns into laughter!

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