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Date Posted: 00:49:20 03/17/01 Sat
Author: WindWalker


Does nature create failures? Make mistakes?
Perhaps, yet I know of none: all things being beautiful
in their own perfect way...
It wouldn't seem so with man and his efforts to evolve here.
Whose criteria for failure is used
when judging a failed life?
A successful person loses it one day,
and the next, is pushing a shopping cart
on the street, wearing clothes
stolen from goodwill boxes, and we say:
Oh, my God! What a shame; such a failure!
But what do we know of life that we should thus judge?
Perhaps, in the final analysis,
a bum is less a failure than a banker,
for if you consider wielded power; power to starve, power to kill,
power, even, to destroy a world,
man's failure exemplified
becomes man's best bet to survival!
The elite of the lands move its money around the world;
profit is all that matters.
Compassion, mercy, pity, caring: what have these to do
with success? They seem to be at odds with man's philosophy,
and most certainly are,
if you happen to be living on Earth at this moment!
Many are those who believe turning a buck,
justifies creation of any amount of hell and misery:
for they say they also create wealth...
is God so cheap, she only made enough for some?
Seen in this light, would you not agree
that such thinking... is the failure?

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