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Date Posted: 07:37:13 03/17/01 Sat
Author: Pegasus
Subject: We Mate In The Cone Of Light.

We Mate In The Cone Of Light.

You try,
and I can see
panic emerge
from the same depths,
as where your believe
and innocence got
viciously violated
and crushed.

You try,
and I can see
clawing fingers
with broken nails,
slowly change
to bloody stumps
from clinging
to the edge between
life and the steep depths
of destruction.

You try,
and I can see
shaky hands,
as you try to scrape
your hope's scattered fragments
off the molded floor,
squeaking and screaming
beneath your grazed knees.

You try,
and I can see
right through
your vicious look,
trying to reject me,
driving me off,
enforcing me to leave;
I only hear your pleading scream,
convincing me to stay and
hold you tight.

I try,
and you can see
only love emerge
from the depths of
my true emotions,
restoring your believe,
leading you by the hand
to the gardens,
where your flowers florish
once they're willingly turn
towards the Light,
I funnel into you.

I try,
and you can see
my soothing fingers
bleeding the strength
with which I will
heal your's,
to secure your grip
upon life again,
letting my fresh wounds
take care of your's beneath
the scars,
carefully opening up
to be cleansed from
your festering past.

I try,
and you can see,
how I offer my
unbroken self
to be your shell,
for as long as
you need me around
or stay inside of me,
shielded secure from
luring evil outside of us,
or the winds of evil,
haunting around our sacred temple,
where we mate,
protected in the cone of Light.

I try,
and you can see
how I accept to suffocate
your pain by strangulation
in loving embrace,
while holding you in
soothing grip,
inviting you to become part of me,
rather than to part from you.

Try to love,
try to trust,
and try to have faith,
in yourself and me
so you can
and touch my love,
my trust,
and my faith.

You and I are paired.


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