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Date Posted: 12:59:42 03/18/01 Sun
Author: Pegasus
Subject: To Sammie...hehehe
In reply to: Samantha G Kennedy 's message, "Re: We Mate In The Cone Of Light.\*****GOSH*******/" on 04:07:46 03/18/01 Sun

Sammie (hehehe) thanks for your very very very fabulous comment.
This kinda poetry, I don't write for a broad audience.
This is actually written for only one person that takes part in my life.

This is 'raw reality'.
The woman in this poem is real and exists in my immediate surroundings.
She's on the edge, her life hangs on a thin silk thread.

Besides the 'normal' poetry, I write the heavy psychological poems that go a little further into the deep.
If you have followed my postings regularly, you should have a pretty accurate picture by now.

With poems like
"Hiding Who I Am", "The Sixth Sense", "Senseless Rooms", "Why", "Big Roses", "Bloodstains On A Crown", "Black Hole", "Creatures", "Horizon Of Dreams And Nightmares", "Drowning", "A Fraction Of Your Strength Will Do.", "Please Hurt Me Instead.", "Mental Interruptus.", "Grow Towards The Light.", "Silent Madness.", "As Love Curdles Like Tallow.", "Tears Thrown Out With The Bath-water." and many others
I try to guide my readers on an (appalling) tour through a Human Mind, that is short-circuited by (in this case) all thinkable forms of abuse, be it physical, mental, sexual, or an 'exotic' mixture of the three mentioned.

I don't know if you ever have seen psychological thrillers like "Silence of the lambs" and it's follow up.
That kinda movies give you a good idea of what can happen to a human mind, when it gets short-circuited.
One of the things that can cause such is exstensive abuse, physical, mental and sexual.

The woman I'm talking about has experienced all three thougout her entire life and is, as a direct result of that, dealing with a very severe case of psychological damage.
Multi personality disorder, self destructive behaviour, complete chaos of the emotional system and a disrupted balance between ration and emotion, to mention some of her symptoms.
And of course, her inability to see, recognise, feel, share, experience (with) 'love', since that emotion as well as all related emotions where already long ago erased from her system by the abuse and her abusers.

I hope this answers your question a bit and lets you know where I am coming from.

Regards from Holland, Peter.

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