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Date Posted: 14:45:37 03/11/01 Sun
Author: Jenn
Subject: ~*~FalseLight Prt. 1-6~*~

This epic isn't done but this is all the further I could get. Its going to be 15 parts. Could someone here help me work on this?

False Light Prt. 1

Plagued by this life
I now lead,
Ice flowing through
My veins.
I am alone
So alone.

The shadows,
My only refuge,
My dwelling place;
Darkness shrouding
This crippled wretch
I have become.

Shunned by humanity
Outcast to the living.
Is this really happening?
God has forsaken me.
Am I really alive?
Craving what I know
Is wrong.

Darkness clouds my soul;
And blackened spirit.
I feel nothing..
I can not believe this
Nightmare images dance
Through my head.

Broken Soul Prt. 2

Ashamed of what I am,
Of what I could be.
Blinding vengance upon
The weak, I prey.
My broken soul;
Broken spirit.

No chance at redemption.
Never seeing the sun.
Never asking for this,
Every ounce of my being
Screams for what I know
It can not have.

I have become what I
Fear the most.
Doubting my own
My sanity fading
Away inch by inch.

Losing touch of reality
Having dreams of what I was
Once before.
Forced to prey upon
The innocent.
Blood-Lust has raped my mind.

Vampire Dark Prt. 3

I had a life,
A wife and two sons.
My wife now loves another.
Watching my sons grow up
Without me.
The agony I feel is
Beyond imagination.

Deeply saddened,
I let out a woeful sigh.
I want to die..
Oh, please! Please?
Allow me to die??
But no one hears my plea.

I am nothing without her.
I am but an empty shell.
Is this my punishment?
To go through life as what
I fear the most?

Cresant Moon Prt. 4

I fall to my knees in a
Heartbreak of a thousand-
No one hears me cry out.
What a miserable wretch
I have become.
The shadows are silent.

My mind, already poisoned
And corrupt by the vice
I have done.
Travellers walk by at night
They don't greet me.
Instead, they snicker or run.

I am a lark, a jest..
Something to laugh at.
I am their worst nightmare..
Something to fear.
My misery goes unanswered.
Am I alone?

Immortality Prt. 5

My immortality is a constant
Reminder of my sins in my
Previous life.
I can not live, nor can I die.
I want to die; when at the same
Time, I don't.

With this existance,
Immortality comes with a price.
To let the living die,
While standing by to watch.
Immortality is the greatest dream..
And the worse nightmare.

The debt is never paid.
My price was a small amount
Compared to what my wife and
Two sons had endured.
I can never go back to that life,
I doubt that I even want to.

The Awakening Prt. 6

So many answers left unsaid-
So many questions still
Linger in my mind.
Wheather those questions
Will be answered,
Only time will tell.

I have accepted what I am.
Our way of life is a complex one,
But simple as well.
I have found others like me.
I've discovered that I am
Not so different than them.

I do not fear them anymore.
Perhaps this was meant to be.
Perhaps this was test.
Everything happens for a reason,
I see that now...
As I see through different eyes.

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