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Date Posted: 12:53:53 02/12/01 Mon
Author: Flying Colors
Subject: Fork In The Road


With her free spirit she weaved her way down life’s path
As day slipped away, she stopped at a fork in the road
One road appeared smooth, the other stone clad… both were dark

Stone-clad roads she knew, for they were her life, before now…
Boldly she stepped on the foreign surface, breathing deep
Not knowing her way or where the road went, she walked on

Daylight approaching, the fork far behind, she stopped
Different flowers grew there… appealing to the naked eye
All things orderly, all in their own place – deceiving

A chain was then placed carefully around her small neck
Weary, yet knowing this had been her choice at the fork,
She accepted it… allowing herself to be bent

No longer could she see what lie ahead… just the Now
She tried to explain this was a terrible mistake
But each year that came, the chain was tightened… she’d bend more

Weeping, near defeat, the submissor saw her and came by
For ten years he’d seen her spirit weaken, but not die
Begging for pity, he unlocked her chain and then left

What was she to do? Was it safe to run? Did she dare?
Stones from nowhere flew as she headed back to the fork
She was ridiculed, then was told to stay… but she was gone

Oh, never again would she be deceived as before
Tender years were gone, but spirit renewed… she’d be fine
As she reached the fork she stopped once again… it too had changed

New and different paths lay before her now… new choices
Some dark, many light with varying hues of color
Each lending promise to her broken soul. Awed, she wept.

Kneeling, she carefully placed her hand on each path, one by one
If she chose a path, she’d never stray far from the fork
Allowing her own freedom to decide once again

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