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Subject: ¤Rhyming in The Wind¤

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Date Posted: 17:22:35 02/08/03 Sat
In reply to: Gunner 's message, "..:Still Smokin':.." on 16:52:20 02/08/03 Sat

*the palomino mare trots up, flames of anger blazing in her eyes. Why was he bothering to challenge Apollo when he clearly knew that he was going to be shreded to pieces. She approached her teeth barred. Hoping to get rid of him before Apollo had to deal with the extra stress*

{Why are you here? You know you stand no chance. Be gone! Off with you!}

*she says in a deep voice filled with hatred, ears pined against her skull, teeth barred she lunges for him. She knew she shouldnt try to fight him, but it was part of her instinct, it wasnt a normal mare instinct but she thought with the fierce mind of a stallion at times.*

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[> [> Subject: |~Mystical Songs on Twilight's Breeze~|

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Date Posted: 18:12:10 02/08/03 Sat

|~She also sees the bachelor, and she screams in anger. She comes charging at him at full speed, teeth bared, auds plastered against skull. How dare this stupid bachelor try to take this herd from Apollo! The nerve! But he would not suceed, and if she had to help ensure that, then so be it, but she would never let this stallion win, and there was no sense in trying to make her leave him alone, for that she would not do. As she gets near the lashes out at him with her teeth, powerfull forelegs lashing out at him as well. She would help drive this bachelor off, or kill him if it came to that, or she would die trying, but she would fight, and there was nothing that anyone, not even Apollo, could do to stop her. Hate and rage burned in her eyes. Either this stupid bachelor would leave, and save his wretched skin, or he would be killed, and she was not afriad to do the job. Now nothing mattered but fighting him off. Mare though she was, she had the heart of a stallion when it came to fighting, and she was also just as strong and skilled as one.~|

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