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Subject: ..:Still Smokin':..

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Date Posted: 16:52:20 02/08/03 Sat

..:The grey stallion canters into the herd rearing lowly.:..Apollo, I challange you for this herd...:He announces loudly:.. Do you accept?

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[> Subject: ¤Rhyming in The Wind¤

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Date Posted: 17:22:35 02/08/03 Sat

*the palomino mare trots up, flames of anger blazing in her eyes. Why was he bothering to challenge Apollo when he clearly knew that he was going to be shreded to pieces. She approached her teeth barred. Hoping to get rid of him before Apollo had to deal with the extra stress*

{Why are you here? You know you stand no chance. Be gone! Off with you!}

*she says in a deep voice filled with hatred, ears pined against her skull, teeth barred she lunges for him. She knew she shouldnt try to fight him, but it was part of her instinct, it wasnt a normal mare instinct but she thought with the fierce mind of a stallion at times.*

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[> [> Subject: |~Mystical Songs on Twilight's Breeze~|

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Date Posted: 18:12:10 02/08/03 Sat

|~She also sees the bachelor, and she screams in anger. She comes charging at him at full speed, teeth bared, auds plastered against skull. How dare this stupid bachelor try to take this herd from Apollo! The nerve! But he would not suceed, and if she had to help ensure that, then so be it, but she would never let this stallion win, and there was no sense in trying to make her leave him alone, for that she would not do. As she gets near the lashes out at him with her teeth, powerfull forelegs lashing out at him as well. She would help drive this bachelor off, or kill him if it came to that, or she would die trying, but she would fight, and there was nothing that anyone, not even Apollo, could do to stop her. Hate and rage burned in her eyes. Either this stupid bachelor would leave, and save his wretched skin, or he would be killed, and she was not afriad to do the job. Now nothing mattered but fighting him off. Mare though she was, she had the heart of a stallion when it came to fighting, and she was also just as strong and skilled as one.~|

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 19:18:11 02/08/03 Sat

*he gallops down from the hill, having seen the new stallion entering and hearing the challenge. He snorts angrily, and halts before them. His gaze was hard as he stared indignantly at the bachelor* I accept your challenge. *to the mares his gaze softens.* Thank you for your help, but this is something I've got to do on my own. *he turns back to the stallion and immediately his ears flatten to his head, a hoarse cry of fury is emitted and he rears, hooves flailing out in front of him, deadly in aim beginning the battle.*

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[> Subject: An Ancient Beauty, A Timeless Wisdom

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Date Posted: 21:53:31 02/08/03 Sat

*the golden hued mare watched as Apollo reared at the foolish bachelor. She let out a bitter laugh. Did he honestly think he could defeat a seasoned stallion? Well obviously he was delusional. The mare arched her neck and tossed her long forelock out of her eyes. Her muscles twitched under a glossy coat and slender legs shifted anxiously. The mares would have to move soon, she fleetingly wondered to which herd they would go but banished the frivolous thought. She watched intently as the appaloosa stallion lashed out at the grey one. She let out a snort and began to circle the fighting stallions instincts from past herds kicking in*

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[> Subject: §Shakes her head§

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Date Posted: 17:03:54 02/09/03 Sun

§Manoman, do they EVER know when to quit? she asks herself looking at the stranger with a laugh. She showed no fear in her eyes, as she observed the stallion. Another laugh was emitted from her lips. Go ahead, shoot... she says grinning broadly. Just get backfired. She shakes her head in a slight "here we go" way, and trots off, knowing Apollo could handle it. He had done it MANY times before.§

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[> [> Subject: ..:Still Smokin':..

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Date Posted: 18:59:14 02/09/03 Sun

..:The grey stallion rears up igonring all the mares anger, after all they were just mares, they could leave if they wished for other herds when he won. He reared up on his black hoofs lashing this front legs out, hoping a little for balance, he made for a bite at Apollo's chest ready to spare no mercy, he wanted the herd.:..

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 19:10:18 02/09/03 Sun

*he saw the on coming attempt and dodged in hastily, ramming into Gunner, making full body contact. Fighting was easier this way, it gave one the advantage of being very in reach to the other, and he took whole heart advantage of this, bent on killing the intruder. No mercy was to be given as he'd done previous times, it was a win or die situation. His teeth grazed over the other's body, searching for veins to puncture, muscles taunt and ready to spring away again.*

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[> Subject: An ANcient Beauty A Timeless Wisdom

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Date Posted: 19:17:21 02/09/03 Sun

*the mare snorted at the cocky bachelor then smirked to herself. The grey stallion treated the mares as if they were property. HAH! She smirked at the stallion. Just mares eh? The stupid bachelor didn't consider that if he ticked off all the mares they would undoubtedly follow their beloved stallion till the day they died and what Gunner be left with?....Nothing thats right...SAo what if he had the land....All the mares would be gone. The impudent thing might want to consider paying attention to 'just mares' for they determined a stallions greatness*

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[> [> Subject: ..:Still Smokin':..

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Date Posted: 19:30:22 02/10/03 Mon

..:The young stallion was never going to give up. He larshes out squealing as Apollo bites into his flesh. His back legs fly aiming for numerous hoof marks in the stallions skull. His ears pinned he falshes his teeth weeling around for a bite at his chest:..

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 19:46:48 02/10/03 Mon

*he grunts in pain as the stallion's hoof clips him a couple of times, leaving bleeding abrasions but nothing too serious or life-threatening. determined he overrides the pain, gathering his fury around him like its a tangible thing. In a rage he breaks away from contact rearing up suddenly, crying out anger, nostril's flared. He dodges the stallion's hooves and begans a lethal attack with his own deadly ones.*

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[> Subject: |~Mystical Songs on Twilight's Breeze~|

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Date Posted: 20:32:16 02/10/03 Mon

|~She comes up from behind, being very quiet, and comes from Gunner's blind spot and suddenly lunges at his flanks, ivories bared and searching for major nerves that control the hind legs. Right now, the only thought in her mind was "kill the bachelor", and she was deaf to the words of anyone that would try to stop her. Rage filled her, so that she was overflowing with fury, and could not contain herself. Even if she didn't get a major nerve, she would certainly get him to take his attention off Apollo and turn it to her, if only momentarily, so Apollo would have a good chance of getting a good, square, unexpected hit.~|

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[> Subject: ¤Rhyming In The Wind¤

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Date Posted: 14:01:19 02/11/03 Tue

*she looks at the young stallion, ears pinned so back that it felt like they were going to through her skull. She was trying terribly hard not to jump the stallion from behind. Her legs twitched with the anticipation. She decided to back up for if she would lunge she would stop easier before ramming into the stallion. With each step back anger rose. And without warning she lunges for the stallion. Stopping herself quickly. What was she doing? She wasn't going to help if she got hurt she would be in the way and the stallions would have to manage a way to fight around her. She trots over with the other mares*

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[> Subject: An Ancient Beauty A Timeless Wisdom

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Date Posted: 14:07:44 02/11/03 Tue

*places herself between the mare and the bachelor ears pinned but not meanly* Don't interfere. Apollo said it is his fight would you defy your stallion. He can handle this himself It would bring dishonor to him to have won a fight because a mare helped him. PLus....You'll get your turn at the stallion. Just not now *looks at the mare determined to fight back if she had to but really hoping the mare would listen*

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[> Subject: ¤Rhyming In The Wind¤

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Date Posted: 16:43:42 02/11/03 Tue

*she nods in respect she was right. But once Apollo was done with him there would be no need for her to do anything more because it would be his(gunner) end!* Yes, you're right. I'm sorry, its just that fierceness takes over soemtimes *she explain sa little embarassed

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[> Subject: AN ANcient BEauty A Timeless beauty

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Date Posted: 18:59:43 02/11/03 Tue

*nods to poetry then looks at mystic hoping the mare would also leave apollo to fight his own battles( Mystic, Apollo would hate himself if you got hurt due to his fight. Don't put him through that pain

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[> [> Subject: |~Mystical Songs on Twilight's Breeze~|

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Date Posted: 20:35:25 02/11/03 Tue

|~She snorts angrily, harks pinning agianst head~| He'd get over it. The important thing is getting the bachelor OUT! I am not afriad to die, and if I must die defending my herd, then so be it. I'd rather die and give Apollo a better chance of winning then sit by and watch him loose. I'm in quite a spot here, if you take it into consideration, because if Apollo happend to die-which I'm sure he won't, but if is a powerfull word-,I'd die too. I'll die just sitting here. I might as well fight, and make Apollo's chances better. This bachelor is NOT going to get away with this! |~She screams angrily, eyes blazing with fire as she looks at the worthless thing.~|

[*waits anxiously to see what Mystic's attack did* and yes, horses can get really sick and die of stress or anxiety I guess....*shrugs* don't ask for details.]

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[> [> [> Subject: ..:Still Smokin':..

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Date Posted: 13:04:30 02/13/03 Thu

..:The gray stallion swipes at the other with powerful hooves, his cest getting more cuts, he screams with pain as a bite is taken at his flank, the stallion whips around seeing a mare. It bleeds freely but he does not hurt the mare, he's better than that. he backs a few steps eyeing Apollo.:.. Tell your mares to mind their business. ..:He growls angerily and smirks a little:.. It's time you learn what it's like to be herdless Apollo... ..:He lunges at him again tearing at his flank viciously:..

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[> Subject: An Ancient Beauty A Timeless WIsdom

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Date Posted: 13:58:36 02/13/03 Thu

*sorts at the mare irritatedly* Do you want to give this stupid bachelor reason to scoff at Apollo he already thinks he can't control his mares! You would die if apollo did right? If you get hurt in this battle because of your own actions Apollo would be heartbroken and die himself and we would be back where we started. Apollo will not die! Let this battle be his and his alone it doesn't call for your actions just your spirit and desire! The fact that he knows all of us are still with him will give him the strength to defeat Gunner now you can either let him fight his own battles or start your own with me?! It's you choice! *does not want to fight the mare but prepares for one anyway. She knew what wghappened when mares interfered for she had seen it many times before in her old herd. If the mare died apollo would as well ad if he didn't his spirit would be gone which to AThena would be the same as death*

((I know lol it's sad though))

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[> Subject: |~Mystical Songs on Twilight's Breeze~|

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Date Posted: 16:32:49 02/13/03 Thu

|~She snorts angrily~| And just who do you think you are? Lead or something? Since when do you have the right to tell me what to do? It's not that easy. I can't just give up. And I'm sure Apollo would not appreciate two fights, especially not between his mares, and I'm not gonna just walk off and leave it. I can't do that. Apollo'd get over it if something happened to me, he'd have to 'cuz he's got all his other mares to take care of. He'll have Myth too to remember me by. But I'm not just going to stand back and watch. I can't do that. |~She lunges after Gunner again, trying to stay as far from the other mare as possible, not wanting to have two fights going at once.~|

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[> [> Subject: ..:Still Smokin':..

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Date Posted: 17:44:37 02/13/03 Thu

..:The gray stallion tears his attention away from Apollo only to aim three hard, strong bucks at the mares sides and chest. He wanted to give her the least possible injury but get her attention:.. This is not a mares business, m'lady. ..:He pants looking at her, he kept his voice soft with her, he still kept his manners:..

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 17:55:05 02/13/03 Thu

*he screams, in fury and in pain, but mostly in warning. He breaks free from the bachelor, hate shining in his eyes, his flanks a blood mess, streams of red running down his legs and backs only to drip to the ground. It's a deep, dark red, as red as the blinding hatred he feels for the one before him. He flicks one ear towards the mares, and blocks Myst from her try at Gunner.* Myst! Stop it! *he roars in fury, though he never turns to look at her, his eyes stay still on the stallion, the one who wanted to take his rightful place as lead. Gone was the gentle, kindness he had once held, and in its place was a rock hard stallion, so much like his father the resemblance was uncanny.* This is not your fight, nor, unless you suddenly become me, will it ever be. Save your energy and get out of here! Now! BE GONE! ALL OF YOU! *He was not concerned for his own wellfare, but fate be damned if he was to lose one of them do to this cocky beast before him. He was scared--but only for those he had sworn to protect untill his last, dying breath, and that was what had transformed. The need to protect. He never even glanced their way, but pulled all his concentration towards Gunner. He reared, with a fury so great it may have come from Zeus (the god you guys, not 'Pollo's dad) himself, a heart so black and murderous it seemed as though Hades had possessed, but along him was a love for those who lived with him, as though Eros rode astride his back. And as long as those three continued to rule over him for the moment, he would never give up.* I know what it's like, *he gritted through his teeth,* And I'm never--going--back--. *he shouted saying each word clearly as daylight, and as solidly, before plunging down to his feet and ramming into Gunner's side.*

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 18:04:47 02/13/03 Thu

(added cause I had to leave and return and finish the post and didn't see your new one... *growls*)

*he takes advantage of the stallion's thrown attention, and though his heart slams as though with each blow lain to myst he pays it know heed. Bloodied but never broken, he turns, hinds in solid reach of the other's sides, and kicks out with both feet, sending a solid, powerful, forceful blow to gunner, before spinning around and rearing.* And no longer shall it be yours, for any stallion who dare touches a mare wrongly in rage be it little injury or more, is no stallion at all, merely a coward. *he screams, rearing up once more. Fury had given him back his strength, pumping endophins throughout his pody, numbing the hot searing pain, and lessening it. It fed his muscles, and reflexes as well, giving him newly acquired power and faster responses. It blocked his mind from all annoying thoughts... all but one: Kill the bachelor, let him pay. *

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[> [> Subject: |~Mystical songs on Twilight's Breeze~|

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Date Posted: 18:56:38 02/13/03 Thu

|~She jumps out of the way, seeing the bucks flying her way, and just barely gets nicked a couple times on her shoulder, making her rage even greater. She was now a fighting machine powered and fed by anger and rage, and the lust to kill. She was deaf to the words or actions of any, and all she could think of was death to the bachelor. Charging straight past anyone who might be in her way she lunges again, trying her hardest not to, but now she had no controll over herself. She was possesed by the evilness that lurked way down inside her, and had no controll over her actions. She lunges at him again, vicious beyond compare, but suddenly she manages to veer off to the side just before striking a possibly fatal blow, though how she did it she isn't sure, but then she finds herself viciously charging again. She snorts, trying to regain controll of herself, trying not to lunge, figting it feircely, but this time she can't veer off to the side. She can't stop herself, try and fight though she may, and finds herself almost upon him, teeth bared, though she continues fighting, it doesn't seem to be doing much good...~|

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[> Subject: An Ancient Beauty A Timeless Wisdom

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Date Posted: 18:29:09 02/13/03 Thu

*ears pin back at the insolent mare* I kow I'm not being lead mare but you ARE defying your stallion! You claim to love him so much then why won't you follow his orders. I honestly don't care of your opinion of me! If you cannot stay and watch then leave! Would you leave your child motherless? If so then you are not worthy of a child! Now leave before you interfere more than you have! *ears pinned and teeth bared she threatens the mare sick of this nonsense*

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[> Subject: § Beware the Storms §

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Date Posted: 18:30:48 02/13/03 Thu

*she gallops in, having never wavered her pace since she had set it, coming from Fear's herd. Sweat streaked her sides which were moving up and down as she panted slightly. Her legs propelled her foward across the lands, strides long, eating up the distance. This was no friendly call. She knew what was going on. Racing down the hill where she had stopped to see what was going on she reaches the group in a matter of seconds. She eyes the mares gathered around the fight. This was no place for them to be, some trying to enter, some watching, cheering as best as they could. Her thoughts raced as she tried to form a cohert sentece but all she could think was Gone only a little and already you're getting yourself into something like this. When will you ever learn, Apollo? . But she knew her friend, he wouldn't stop till he was dead. Looking about the mares she called to them:* Come with me. I'll take you to safety. There are some, who though wish to be your lead, would not take a moments hesitation to take you out, if it meant getting the herd or not. I want to make sure that doesn't happen, period. That way, win or lose, he has nothing. Nothing but his own sorry wounds to lick and clean. Come! It's time to leave! *she looks around, awaiting a reply.*

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[> Subject: An ANcient Beauty A Timeless Wisdom

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Date Posted: 18:41:12 02/13/03 Thu

*turns to Des her old friend and gives a snort of greeting. Walks over Des eyes on Mystic.* I don't think this will be easy my friennd. Poetry I'm not worried about but all common sense seems to have fled the others. *looks at the surrounding mares then back at des* So I assume we are going to fear's?

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[> Subject: § Beware the Storms §

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Date Posted: 18:46:43 02/13/03 Thu

*smiles at Athena, though it is very forced. She eyes her though.* No, we aren't. We're just getting to safety. Or, trying to at least. I can see its going to take inspiration and something just short of a miracle to move this group away from them. Loyal you all maybe be, there's a time to fight and a time to flee, the fight is not yours. Now is your time to flee to save yourself for your stallion, or risk being over taken by another.

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[> Subject: When Dreams Destroy REality

Shattered Reality
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Date Posted: 18:51:31 02/13/03 Thu

*gallops in at full speed heart pounding blood sinnging through her veins. She spot Des and Athena and calls to them. Sliding to a stop in front of them. She quickly observes the area around them and sees the stallions and the mares. She notes Athena eyeing one mare in particular then looks at her friends* So What trouble has Polly gotten himself into this time? *snorts full of energy. She was one of the only mare she knew who could keep her cool in these situations especially out of the mares who had come form the old herd. Looks about a spark in her eyes* Been awhile since we've had ourselves one of these eh girls?

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[> Subject: § Beware the Storms §

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Date Posted: 18:55:33 02/13/03 Thu

*her face is solemn enough, but she's glad to see another of her old friends. She nods, a smile threatening to take over. It was almost like being in the old herd. That place had taught each of them a lot about life. About the hardships of it, and some of the joys it could bring. It would be with the for always, Apollo, Athena, Shattered, Curse and her.* As you know it, *she replies a hint of the old mischief in her voice.*

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[> Subject: § Beware the Storm §

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Date Posted: 19:02:55 02/13/03 Thu

*she watches the mare, the one that was trying to enter, the only one trying to enter. She watches for a moment, wondering just what kind of lunacy she was dealing with, before finally nodding to other two and galloping off to her, veering in front of her, and stopping dead in her tracks, cutting her off and away from the stallions locked in the deathly battle.* oh, no, you don't! You dare not even go near them. *She nods to her new cuts* How'd you get those?

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[> Subject: When Dreams Destroy Reality

Shattered Reality
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Date Posted: 19:09:47 02/13/03 Thu

*follows Des ears pinned and neck arched she circles the mares blocking her route of escape to the left. She glares at the mare never able to tolerate ignorance well.* Do you have a death wish or are you just stupid? I hope it's not the second one *bares teeth slightly waiting....waiting*

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[> Subject: A Timeless Wisodm

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Date Posted: 19:15:22 02/13/03 Thu

*gets on the mares other flaks annd assumes Shattered's position though her msucles were trembling from restraint. If it had been a mare in the old herd she would have been dead by now. She remembered how harsh the lesson was when she had tried to interfere. Her ribs still hurt when she thought about the wound. Let out a snort of contempt and watched the mare carefully. Trying to predict every move. When the mare stepped she did when her muscles bunched Athena's did. The only thing in the universe were the four mares*

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[> Subject: |~Mystical Songs on Twilight's Breeze~|

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Date Posted: 19:15:45 02/13/03 Thu

|~She screams, seeing the other mare run in front of her, and tries to stop but keeps pounding on, straight for her, unable to stop, unable to controll herself. She runs straight into her, head being lowered to the level of the other's shoulder, she rams into her shoulder head first, a sickening thud sounding as they collide and she falls to the ground unconsious, dangerously close to the fighting stallions, but now there was nothing she could do but lay there untill she regained consiousness, which who knows long it would take for that...~|

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[> Subject: When Dreams Destroy Reality

Shattered Reality
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Date Posted: 19:25:01 02/13/03 Thu

*looked at the collapsed mare then at her friends* Well...that was interesting. She kicked her own butt. *looks at the fighting stallions and figures asking them to relocate was out of the question. Looks to des to see if she was okay*

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[> Subject: § Beware the Storm §

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Date Posted: 19:53:36 02/13/03 Thu

*she gives a small laugh and carefully approached the konked mare. How were they to move her out of harms way? Gingerly she lowers herself and then somehow props up half her body on her back and drags her away back to the others, where she would be some what safer.*

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[> Subject: Ambition of Hate

Ambition, Ray,SM
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Date Posted: 05:39:13 02/14/03 Fri

she gallops up*Ray stay in the Bushes*She says to the foal.Her eyes fall on the fallen mare.She picks her up and drags her to the bushes with her foal

*alright mommy*he says and lays down.his eyelids got heavier and he fell asleep

He gallops up,Full of anger*Why not challenge me*He snorts*I have a wonderfull herd*his anger beyond control.He reared and aimed for his hind quarters*

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 15:24:06 02/14/03 Fri

*he snorts an SM, still engaged in battle, wondering why so many wanted to interfere. Obviously they didn't think he could protect his herd well enough, and felt that they needed to step in and save him from making a futile mistake that may not only cost him his life, but his mares as well. He had know the consequences well before he had taken on the job, and was prepared to live up to them fully an completely.* For the last time! All of you! This is NOT your battle, therefore do NOT try to fight it, *he yelled, as furious at them for the moment as he was at Gunner.*

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[> Subject: When Dream Destroy Reality

Shattered Reality
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Date Posted: 15:41:48 02/14/03 Fri

*places herself in between SM and Gunner ear pinned back teeth bared* Why do you even come here? This isn't your fight! I don't kow why gunner didn't challenge you but he didn't so get over it. Apollo is fighting not you. Now either you leave or I take out all my pent up agression on you got it? *looks at the stallion careful to avoid hooves*

((no offense but this is getting to be ridiculous))

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[> Subject: §Walks up to Des, probably one of the most calmest of them all.§

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Date Posted: 18:59:25 02/14/03 Fri

§Hello there... she says a smile on her face, acting as if it all was the usual. Been a while... she says looking at her with a bit of a smile, although looking occasionally to the area in which Gunner and Apollo were fighting. I don't get it why all these mares are so concerned, Apollo can handle it. Geez just give him a break... she says looking at some of them with a bit of a frown. She looks back to Athena and Des, wondering where they were off to.§

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[> Subject: An Ancient Beauty A Timeless Wisdom

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Date Posted: 19:14:07 02/14/03 Fri

*trots up to Rose nerves relaxing now that the mares had backed off. Shot her gaze over to SM ad Shattered and laughed. Then looked at Des* SM's in for it ain't he?* snort of amusement is given then turns to Rose* Hello, I know what you mean, yet for some reason they won't believe me....Apollo's a big boy he canchew his own grass and everything! *smiles jokingly occasionally lookig at the surrounding area*

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[> Subject: §Laughs and nods in agreement§

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Date Posted: 20:06:57 02/14/03 Fri

§I agree with you 100 percent... she says looking at her with a bit of a grin. It was good for a bit of comic relief in the times of trouble. Yeah... you'd think they'd know from all the other times... she says with a bit of a laugh, knowing he had fought off many, many bachelors. Well whatever, it's this dude's loss. She laughs and shakes her head sadly at the one challenging now.§

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[> [> Subject: ..:still Smokin':..

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Date Posted: 07:38:11 02/15/03 Sat

((Okay, you'll all be pissed but I don't really care, this is rediculous, I am only reading apollo's posts from now on because I left and there were 20 and I came back to 42 and I am not reading 22 messages just to post an attack.))

..:He rears up missing most of teh stallions furious blows, but gets kicked in teh belly a few times with hard forceful kicks, causing teh wind him his lungs to sail out of them. He falls to his knees a moment closing his eyes. Must--Make it. he thinks struggling up with a big breath, his legs shake with weakness. He thrashes out twith his teeth again at apollo's flanks trying to find that nerve that will paralyse on leg--or both--perminately.:..

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[> Subject: ((yeah, and you really think we give a crap?))

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Date Posted: 11:00:06 02/15/03 Sat

((cuz we don't. That's your freakin' problem. Sure we think it may be a little annoying too... cuz everyone's posting for a fight that's not theirs... but we don't care about your opinion. And who cares if you don't read our posts. :P It's your fault anyways.))

§Frowns at the stallion, but then looks back to Athena and Des. So are we staying here? Or are we planning on heading somewhere? she asks looking at them. I think it might help if we get all these mares out of Apollo's way... she says looking at everyone, thinking of what to do.§

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[> Subject: An Ancient Beauty A Timeless Wisdom

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Date Posted: 15:03:58 02/15/03 Sat

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[> Subject: An Ancient Beauty A Timeless Wisdom

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Date Posted: 15:03:59 02/15/03 Sat

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[> [> Subject: Re: An Ancient Beauty A Timeless Wisdom

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Date Posted: 15:05:45 02/15/03 Sat

As far as I know we're staying here....the only mare who was causing trouble ran into Des and knocked herself out *gives a small laugh and looks about*

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 18:59:15 02/15/03 Sat

*He grunts in pain as the stallion tears unmerciflly at his already bloody flanks. He breaks away with a cry of anger, flanks his backside dark, dark red. He was getting tired yes, but he wasn't about to give up. No way in hell. He turns around, facing the stallion, nostrils flared getting the maximum amount of oxygen. He bares his teeth, acting as though he was going to rear and instead strikes out with his forefeet, aiming for chest, and legs, mostly his forelegs, hoping to break them. His head is low, teeth ready to lunge in and shred the precious skin that held in all the that life-giving fluid running through his body.*

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[> Subject: §Laughs and nods§

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Date Posted: 13:10:53 02/16/03 Sun

§Yeah I guess so... she says with a bit of a smile, with a glance over to Apollo. She cringes slightly. Ouch... she says looking at him, hoping that he would be able to heal quickly. That could hurt... she says looking at Apollo, then back to Athena.§

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[> Subject: ..:Still Smokin':..

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Date Posted: 18:10:39 02/16/03 Sun

..:A shreik is emmited from his throat as his legs take a beathing, his one tearing foreleg to knee, flesh hanging open and blood traling down his white socks and leaving stains on his hoofs. He bends it slightly closing his eyes with pain but shakes it off. KEEP GOING! he tells himself once more using his teeth again dodging most of Apollos strikes with his own whites. He bites aiming for Apollos neck, maybe nerves controling his movment in some way. He was determined to tear his neck off with his next move, a rear as he comes down grabing the other's crest and pulling on him, trying to take him to his knees. The stinging paian as he comes down making him nicker softly, eyes roll with determination, still pulling at his crest.

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[> Subject: The Sun-God's Wraith

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Date Posted: 20:55:15 02/16/03 Sun

*he snorts, keeping his scream of pain in his mind as the stallion's teeth sank into the flesh in his neck. He locks his joints in his legs, just as he would if he'd been sleeping standing up, and thus saves himself from being pulled down, though it takes a lot and his legs shake from the effort of both their weight. With a wretch he pulls himself away, determined to overcome the pain in his tired body. Mind over matter as they say. He eyes the stallion his heart black with a murderious rage. Red stains the once white fur on his neck, though they were no major arteries. He pays his wounds no heed and launches himself into yet another attack. He didn't rear but instead charged straight into the other, attacking with both teeth and striking forelegs, his back ones supporting him firmly.*

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[> Subject: When Dreams Destroy Reality

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Date Posted: 19:12:40 02/18/03 Tue

*watches the fight old feelings coming back. It was odd for her not to have to fight any mares and she honestly missed that part of the old herd. The adrenaline rush. She didn't have a herd now. She was free no stallion had claimed her. Wqatched Apollo launch himself at Gunner and felt a pity for the bachelor. Apollo wouldn't give up he had fought many times before even as a colt and had endured alot more than that from his own father*

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[> Subject: ..:Still Smokin':..

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Date Posted: 08:57:37 02/22/03 Sat

((Sorry Been Busy!))

The stallion rears as well thrashing is legs out at the other, wildly. He gets kicked in teh jaw once and neck twice both lefting nasty, bloody cuts. He was ready to win, Hit back hoofs ram into the others gut firmly trying to knock the wind out of him.

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 00:59:42 02/23/03 Sun

*he snorts in will determenation, moving but not fast enough. He cries out in pain as the other stallion's hooves manage to find his sides. It takes him a few moments to recooperate from the blows, but he does so, his sides now cut and bleeding as well. He rears, shrieking in fury, die he would before this bachelor reinged over his lands. And comes down, then rearing lowly he takes a strike at Gunner's chest, though not his purpose. True intent was to bring him to his knees, whether forced, or because of injuries. So, as he comes down, his forelegs strike out unmercifully, with such power, at gunner's forelegs, hoping to break them both.*

(i emailed mel... this challenge could go on forever since Apollo doesn't want to lose and Gunner doesn't want to lose.)

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[> [> Subject: ..:..Still Smokin'..:..

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Date Posted: 07:17:51 02/23/03 Sun

((Actually lol I think I want to quit this char, I have a lot going on with others... but I don't want him dead so here I'm making an injury...))

..:.. The grey rears up as well and instead of hiting his foreleggs he hits his cest a few times and a large strike sends a sheirek from his lungs. It was a 2 foot long, and very deep cut in his neck, he falls to his knees slowly, his will to fight was nearly gone, it had been a good fight but not worth the pain they both were experiencing. He looks at Apollo a moment before rising to his feet... this was what he had decided..:.. I am no weakling, I will be back ready to fight later, I will take this herd i garentee you...,/I> ..:..he snorts looking at his side, smeared blood dries upon the sleek grey...:.. i will be back. ..:..He slowly and stiffly walks back to the Bachlor herd, he was going to rethink this, but he knew one day he would infact rule Apollo's lands. He stands on a hilltop that over looks it and snorts fiercely..:.. until a later day... ..:..He speaks soft and continues walking..:..

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