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Subject: An Ancient Beauty, A Timeless Wisdom

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Date Posted: 21:53:31 02/08/03 Sat
In reply to: Gunner 's message, "..:Still Smokin':.." on 16:52:20 02/08/03 Sat

*the golden hued mare watched as Apollo reared at the foolish bachelor. She let out a bitter laugh. Did he honestly think he could defeat a seasoned stallion? Well obviously he was delusional. The mare arched her neck and tossed her long forelock out of her eyes. Her muscles twitched under a glossy coat and slender legs shifted anxiously. The mares would have to move soon, she fleetingly wondered to which herd they would go but banished the frivolous thought. She watched intently as the appaloosa stallion lashed out at the grey one. She let out a snort and began to circle the fighting stallions instincts from past herds kicking in*

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[> Subject: §Shakes her head§

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Date Posted: 17:03:54 02/09/03 Sun

§Manoman, do they EVER know when to quit? she asks herself looking at the stranger with a laugh. She showed no fear in her eyes, as she observed the stallion. Another laugh was emitted from her lips. Go ahead, shoot... she says grinning broadly. Just get backfired. She shakes her head in a slight "here we go" way, and trots off, knowing Apollo could handle it. He had done it MANY times before.§

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[> [> Subject: ..:Still Smokin':..

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Date Posted: 18:59:14 02/09/03 Sun

..:The grey stallion rears up igonring all the mares anger, after all they were just mares, they could leave if they wished for other herds when he won. He reared up on his black hoofs lashing this front legs out, hoping a little for balance, he made for a bite at Apollo's chest ready to spare no mercy, he wanted the herd.:..

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