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Date Posted: 20:35:25 02/11/03 Tue
|~She snorts angrily, harks pinning agianst head~| He'd get over it. The important thing is getting the bachelor OUT! I am not afriad to die, and if I must die defending my herd, then so be it. I'd rather die and give Apollo a better chance of winning then sit by and watch him loose. I'm in quite a spot here, if you take it into consideration, because if Apollo happend to die-which I'm sure he won't, but if is a powerfull word-,I'd die too. I'll die just sitting here. I might as well fight, and make Apollo's chances better. This bachelor is NOT going to get away with this! |~She screams angrily, eyes blazing with fire as she looks at the worthless thing.~|
[*waits anxiously to see what Mystic's attack did* and yes, horses can get really sick and die of stress or anxiety I guess....*shrugs* don't ask for details.]
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