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Subject: § Beware the Storms §

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Date Posted: 18:30:48 02/13/03 Thu
In reply to: Gunner 's message, "..:Still Smokin':.." on 16:52:20 02/08/03 Sat

*she gallops in, having never wavered her pace since she had set it, coming from Fear's herd. Sweat streaked her sides which were moving up and down as she panted slightly. Her legs propelled her foward across the lands, strides long, eating up the distance. This was no friendly call. She knew what was going on. Racing down the hill where she had stopped to see what was going on she reaches the group in a matter of seconds. She eyes the mares gathered around the fight. This was no place for them to be, some trying to enter, some watching, cheering as best as they could. Her thoughts raced as she tried to form a cohert sentece but all she could think was Gone only a little and already you're getting yourself into something like this. When will you ever learn, Apollo? . But she knew her friend, he wouldn't stop till he was dead. Looking about the mares she called to them:* Come with me. I'll take you to safety. There are some, who though wish to be your lead, would not take a moments hesitation to take you out, if it meant getting the herd or not. I want to make sure that doesn't happen, period. That way, win or lose, he has nothing. Nothing but his own sorry wounds to lick and clean. Come! It's time to leave! *she looks around, awaiting a reply.*

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[> Subject: An ANcient Beauty A Timeless Wisdom

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Date Posted: 18:41:12 02/13/03 Thu

*turns to Des her old friend and gives a snort of greeting. Walks over Des eyes on Mystic.* I don't think this will be easy my friennd. Poetry I'm not worried about but all common sense seems to have fled the others. *looks at the surrounding mares then back at des* So I assume we are going to fear's?

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