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Subject: ..:Still Smokin':..

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Date Posted: 18:10:39 02/16/03 Sun
In reply to: Gunner 's message, "..:Still Smokin':.." on 16:52:20 02/08/03 Sat

..:A shreik is emmited from his throat as his legs take a beathing, his one tearing foreleg to knee, flesh hanging open and blood traling down his white socks and leaving stains on his hoofs. He bends it slightly closing his eyes with pain but shakes it off. KEEP GOING! he tells himself once more using his teeth again dodging most of Apollos strikes with his own whites. He bites aiming for Apollos neck, maybe nerves controling his movment in some way. He was determined to tear his neck off with his next move, a rear as he comes down grabing the other's crest and pulling on him, trying to take him to his knees. The stinging paian as he comes down making him nicker softly, eyes roll with determination, still pulling at his crest.

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[> Subject: The Sun-God's Wraith

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Date Posted: 20:55:15 02/16/03 Sun

*he snorts, keeping his scream of pain in his mind as the stallion's teeth sank into the flesh in his neck. He locks his joints in his legs, just as he would if he'd been sleeping standing up, and thus saves himself from being pulled down, though it takes a lot and his legs shake from the effort of both their weight. With a wretch he pulls himself away, determined to overcome the pain in his tired body. Mind over matter as they say. He eyes the stallion his heart black with a murderious rage. Red stains the once white fur on his neck, though they were no major arteries. He pays his wounds no heed and launches himself into yet another attack. He didn't rear but instead charged straight into the other, attacking with both teeth and striking forelegs, his back ones supporting him firmly.*

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