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Subject: ** Even in the Darkness there is Light **

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Date Posted: 17:06:19 02/23/03 Sun
In reply to: Apollo 's message, "¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤" on 11:15:16 02/23/03 Sun

*spying the mare racing across the valley, she follows her, wondering the fire was. Stopping breifly to skirt around a particularly blood place she begins to that it leads up to the hill, a trail of it. Bloody hoof prints. So that had been the strange smell she had been smelling. Following the prints she find Rose, with her father. Horrified at his appearance, she masks it, though he seems so out of it she didn't think he'd notice it.* What-- what happened? *she asks Rose laying down next to her father with a soft whicker, nuzzling his neck.*

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[> [> Subject: |~Mystical Songs on Twilight's Breeze~|

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Date Posted: 17:49:26 02/23/03 Sun

|~Finnaly she wakes up, finding a large area covered with blood near her, but neither Apollo nor Gunner in sight. Worriedly she jumps to her feete and looks around, then finds the blood trail and dashes up the hill, following it. She sees Apollo, Rose, and Moon and dashes up the hill and lowers herself gingerly beside him.~| Oh, Apollo, are you okay? |~She asks, worried, though she figured he was. She begins to lick the wounds, trying to clean them so they don't get infected.~|

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