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Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 11:15:16 02/23/03 Sun

*The fight was over and he'd won, though the threat of Gunner's words still shadowed his mind, it was unfocused and slipped from it. Over. It was done. Finally, and he felt too. It was all he could do to keep standing, every movement was torture, every breath was harder to take than the last. Slowly, like an old horse he trudges up the hill, eyes closed in pain. His once gleaming coat was dulled with red stains and dried lather. His ears drooped, head hung low as he made his way over to his shady oak tree and collapsed under the welcoming cover. He whickered softly against the angonzing fire burning through his body and laid stretched out, sides heaving as he breathed. Two fights back to back, he was spent, mentally and physically. Exhaustion had taken over, unable to fight anything else, he let it, weak from his injuries, and closed his eyes, just wanting to sleep.*

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[> Subject: §Concerned§

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Date Posted: 16:44:48 02/23/03 Sun

§She darts across the meadow galloping up the hill with much speed. She halts as she nears him, nudging him slightly in the shoulder. She looks at him, all tattered up and soar, as a slight sigh is emitted from her mouth. She was glad that it was all over, but it may take some time for his mending. I would like to congradulate you... she says to him, the tiniest hint of a smile forming on her lips. You took him out, as always. She looks at him, concerned, standing slightly beside him, incase of a fall. She notices his condition, and asks softly. How are you feeling? You should rest, she suggests, but almost in a forceful manner. She spoke her voice serious and concerned. She would leave him to rest, but first she needed to make sure he would do so.§

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[> Subject: ** Even in the Darkness there is Light **

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Date Posted: 17:06:19 02/23/03 Sun

*spying the mare racing across the valley, she follows her, wondering the fire was. Stopping breifly to skirt around a particularly blood place she begins to that it leads up to the hill, a trail of it. Bloody hoof prints. So that had been the strange smell she had been smelling. Following the prints she find Rose, with her father. Horrified at his appearance, she masks it, though he seems so out of it she didn't think he'd notice it.* What-- what happened? *she asks Rose laying down next to her father with a soft whicker, nuzzling his neck.*

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[> [> Subject: |~Mystical Songs on Twilight's Breeze~|

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Date Posted: 17:49:26 02/23/03 Sun

|~Finnaly she wakes up, finding a large area covered with blood near her, but neither Apollo nor Gunner in sight. Worriedly she jumps to her feete and looks around, then finds the blood trail and dashes up the hill, following it. She sees Apollo, Rose, and Moon and dashes up the hill and lowers herself gingerly beside him.~| Oh, Apollo, are you okay? |~She asks, worried, though she figured he was. She begins to lick the wounds, trying to clean them so they don't get infected.~|

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[> Subject: An Ancient Beauty A Timeless Wisdom

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Date Posted: 19:30:35 02/23/03 Sun

*walked up to the group of horses head held at a comfortable level stress finally easing from her body. Looks at Apollo with kind, inteligent eyes. Nuzzles him gently being careful not to hurt him. Layed beside him trying to offer support but remained silent allowing Apollo to get his wwell deserved rest.*

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[> Subject: §Looks at Moonbeam§

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Date Posted: 20:51:53 02/23/03 Sun

§He has experienced a great deal... she says speaking to her softly. May I explain later? How bout we leave your father for now, he needs his rest. She looks at Apollo. Get some rest... and perhaps it will mend faster. She looks at him with a dip of her head, showing slight concern, but then looks to Moonbeam. She says goodbye to them all and trots down the hill, looking behind her for Moonbeam to follow. Now was not the time to disturb him.§

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 19:30:42 02/24/03 Mon

*he snorts and winces slightly in pain as he tries to move his legs. He hated lying down, he couldn't get up fast enough if something happened.* If you're going to bleed, at least you're going to do it with some dignity and on your feet. * he thinks to himself. But he couldn't get the will to stand. So, he raised his head up and looked at the others gathered around.* Hi, *he says weakly.* I look like crap, huh? Funny thing, is, I feel like it too, *he gives them a watery smile.* Okay, okay, I'm fine. Enough with the hovering and the concerning look, no need for it, just a few scratches I picked up here and there is all. *he says lightly.*

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[> Subject: An Ancient Beauty

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Date Posted: 19:33:58 02/24/03 Mon

*smirks at the stallion staying right where she was chuckled lightly as to ot cause him pain then lied her head on the grass occasioally looking at the ohter mares suroounding them*

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[> [> Subject: |~Mystical Songs on Twilight's Breeze~||*Hear the Mythical Song of the Sun*|

Mystic and Myth
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Date Posted: 20:35:31 02/25/03 Tue

|~She snorts softly and continues licking the wounds, trying to clean them so they don't get infected.~| Stay still, Apollo. What you need is rest. And these are no scratches. These are serious wounds. Just lie still and let me clean them or they'll get infected and then you'll really be in for it. |~She says in a strict tone, acting as she would with one of her foals.~|

|*She canters up, looking for her mother. Finnaly she spots her and some other mares clustered around her bloody father. With a worried whinney she bursts forward at full speed, skiding to a stop near them.*| Daddy! What happened? Are you okay? |*She asks worriedly, not used to seeing her father in such a sorry state.*|

[[jeez Myth is growing fast... she's gotta be what, 1 1/2 yrs. old by now? lol]]

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 10:21:14 02/26/03 Wed

*he snorts and with a glare, lies still. He looks up at Myth and laughs softly.* Just your usual weekly thing. Challenge Apollo for the herd and then beat him into a bloody pulp. Nothing too serious though, just a few mesely gnashes, though don't listen to your mother, she might try to persuade you to see other wise.

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[> Subject: §Smiles with a laugh§

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Date Posted: 16:55:48 02/26/03 Wed

§Now that's more like it... she says with a smile, nudging him slightly with a grin. This is the Apollo I know... yeah they are just a bunch of scratches, just might take a little longer to heal, so you better glue your freakin' butt down on the ground and STAY THERE! 'Cause if I see you move ONCE boy I'm tellin' ya that body of yours is going to be dead once I get a hold of you. She looks at him with a "serious sarcastic" look, a smile placed on her face. He would be fine, it just might take some time (<-ha that rhymes! lol).§

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[> [> Subject: |~Mystical Songs on Twilight's Breeze~||*Hear the Mythical Song of the Sun*|

Mystic & Myth
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Date Posted: 22:29:33 02/28/03 Fri

|~She snorts at Apollo and glares at him with a "Don't be such a bad influence" look.~| No, Myth, don't listen to him. This was no weekly thing, nor are these little gnashes. They are serious, life treatening wounds if they get infected. |~She continues working on cleaning his wounds, almost finished but wanting to make sure they were hospital-clean(though she doesn't know what a hospital is... lol) so they didn't get infected.~|

|*She snorts, looking slightly confused.*| But... who... what... arg, nevermind. |*She shakes her head and lies down beside her father, trying to shut out the conversation so she didn't get even more confused.*|

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 16:26:42 03/01/03 Sat

*he shifts around, trying to get comfy and guard himself against the onslought of warning and what nots. He rolls his eyes at Myth.* She's an over exaggerator, *he whispers to her with a smile, life begginning to flow back into him. He glances up at Rose and gives a slight grin.* Do I really have to?

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[> [> Subject: §"Serious look"§

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Date Posted: 17:52:40 03/01/03 Sat

§You heard me... she says to him trying to keep a straight face. She turns to start walking away, but walks with one eye on him. I'm watchin' you... she says to him over her back. Remember that. She looks behind her, and turns to hide a slight laugh, and walks off slowly. Every once in a while she shoots a quick warning glance at him, before she finally is on her way, leaving him for some rest. But she was watching him, keep that in mind...§

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