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Subject: §Fun Times§

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Date Posted: 16:35:43 04/11/03 Fri

§-the golden yearling entered the lands swiftly, his light chestnut coat gleaming with each movement. a wide grin was across his features, his emeralds glittering with mischeif. he released a loud whicker to all the foals, asking them to join him in his run and trouble. he galloped past the mares, tugging harshly on their tails as he passed, even biting a few on their rumps. he continued on his dash, running towards Thunder. he circled Thunder, pulling at his tail each time he passed it, a faint laughter escaping his muzzle.-§

time for some good mischeif!

revenge leads to trouble
trouble leads to the cops
watch out for the sheriff

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[> Subject: ack, change the Thunder to Apollo

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Date Posted: 16:36:13 04/11/03 Fri

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[> Subject: Re: §Fun Times§

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Date Posted: 18:59:12 04/11/03 Fri

the Flicka WildSong ran in and caused ruckus by whinning to all the foals to come and play she ran over to sheriff and then to Apollo and nipped him lightly on his shoulder

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[> Subject: Umm...

herd member
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Date Posted: 19:48:58 04/13/03 Sun

Just out of curiousty.... to whom do the foal's belong to?

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[> Subject: Sheriff is of Sweet Revenge and Trouble

Sheriff's player
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Date Posted: 23:47:44 04/13/03 Sun

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[> Subject: The flicka is of True Wild and BloodLust

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Date Posted: 17:54:32 04/14/03 Mon

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[> Subject: ąCandy Is Sweet, But Revenge Is Sweeterą/§Bad Boys Bad Boys Watcha Gonna Do§

Sweet Revenge/Sheriff
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Date Posted: 10:16:58 04/15/03 Tue

~the engraged mare entered the lands, her emeralds searching for her son. she had followed his tracks here and expected TrueWild to be following her any second. she had decided to come since Beauty calmed down, and it appeared her son was to stupid to return on his own. she spotted him in the distance, with WildSong and snorted, cantering towards the two trouble makers, her shouder pumping with each hoofbeat. her voice was demanding and hard as she yelled at the two foals.~

what do you two think you're doing?! not only is this not our lands, this is our allie's land. you could have created a serious problem, luckily you didn't affect his herd and he didn't see you. WildSong, you mother will deal with you, but Sheriff i am dealing with you now. both of you home, immediatly. Sheriff, you may not play with anyone, nor speak with anyone until you leave my care which will be soon. you may not leave the area which i will place you in when we get home. what were you thinking?

.:.an eye for an eye.:.
.:.a tooth for a tooth.:.
.:.that is revenge.:.
Sweet Revenge

§-the yearling froze as he heard his mother's rage. he hung his head with guilt as she approached, his front hoof playing with the dirt for he dared not look her in the eye. he acted as if a kinfe hit him each time a new restriction was placed on him. with the last question he raised his head, his emeralds no longer fearful, but angry.-§

mother, no one ever told me i couldn't leave the herd lands. no rule was ever put saying i couldn't do something. that herd is so boring, i just wanted some fun. i draged WildSong into it, she shouldn't be punished. i kinda forced her over here with me so i could have someone to be with while creating problems. mom it's fun creating havoc!

revenge leads to trouble
trouble leads to the cops
watch out for the sheriff

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[> Subject: The Curse of the Wild

TrueWild and WildSong
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Date Posted: 17:01:56 04/15/03 Tue

the black mare apeared by her daughters side and raged in her face "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT" the mare looked dangerous as she said to her daughter "follow me now!" she said the fraze with no warmth of love in her words her daughter started to move then stopped "NO i will Not go with you i want to be free again not under your eye everywhere i go! i will not follow you anymore!" she trembled in fear the black mare turned and faced her daughter then said in totall acid "Fine but when we meet again i will not treat you as my beloved daughter but as a enemy" she hardened her eyes "and you know what happens to THEM" the filly trembeled she knew her mother would live up to that promise if it ever came to that but she held her ground then TrueWild walked off then turned "so farewell for now STRANGER" and with that the mare galloped off hurt and heart torn but not willing to show it

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[> Subject: ąCandy Is Sweet, But Revenge Is Sweeterą/§Bad Boys Bad Boys Watcha Gonna Do§

Sweet Revenge/Sheriff
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Date Posted: 17:18:22 04/15/03 Tue

~the jet black mare watched the scene before her, at the moment her son forgotten. she didn't know TrueWild very well, but she could tell that she'd been hurt. she turned to Sheriff.~

go home now! i will deal with this.

~the mare watched her son leave the lands before turning to the filly, WildSong. as she spoke her voice was not hard as it just was, but instead soft and kind. a soothingness to it.~

did you mean what you said? anger can create emotions and words you often regret showing. i am a mother, and i know that if Sheriff were to say that to me, i might kill my self. i'm not sure, but i'm guessing your mother would forgive you if you apologized. that is if you want to apologize. you say her eye is too watchful...she does it out of the love for you. she doesn't want to see you hurt. instead of not being her daughter, you could speak with her, tell her she is too watchful. besides, you are almost old enough to no longer need her care, but even so you'd still be her daughter. she would still protect you, but your boundries would be far greater. it is up to you. do you wish what you and she said?

.:.an eye for an eye.:.
.:.a tooth for a tooth.:.
.:.that is revenge.:.
Sweet Revenge

§-the yearling watched the scene alongside his mother, the outcome nothing like he had expected. he started to speak before his mother silenced him and sent him home, just then remembering he was not to talk with anyone. he sighed, turning from the scene and walking home, giving a second glance to WildSong as he went.-§

revenge leads to trouble
trouble leads to the cops
watch out for the sheriff

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[> Subject: Re: §Fun Times§

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Date Posted: 18:08:02 04/15/03 Tue

the flicka looked at the mare and sighed "i want to be out of reach i love her but i cant stand her i want to her to get out of my life!" she then hardend her eyes "no she was right i do not know her she is a stranger to me"

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[> Subject: ąCandy Is Sweet, But Revenge Is Sweeterą

Sweet Revenge
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Date Posted: 21:11:53 04/15/03 Tue

~the dark mare watched the filly for a moment, slightly saddened she had ment what she said. she simply nodded before cantering home. she would let the filly make her mistakes, for some needed to learn the hard way.~

you are not a stranger to the herd though. i am unsure of where you're going for i expect you to not stay in the herd with your mother there. i bid you well on your journey, as well as life. i hope your decision is the one you truely wanted and one you shall not regret making. until we meet again dear WildSong.

.:.an eye for an eye.:.
.:.a tooth for a tooth.:.
.:.that is revenge.:.
Sweet Revenge

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[> Subject: Re: §Fun Times§

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Date Posted: 21:24:38 05/01/03 Thu

the flicka angirly reared then shot off into the trees muttering dire threats about her mother ren she saddened her mother was her only famil and now she had burned that too how stupid had she been she shook her head getting thoughts of her mother out off her trobled head

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