Author: Sweet Revenge/Sheriff
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Date Posted: 17:18:22 04/15/03 Tue
In reply to:
's message, "§Fun Times§" on 16:35:43 04/11/03 Fri
~the jet black mare watched the scene before her, at the moment her son forgotten. she didn't know TrueWild very well, but she could tell that she'd been hurt. she turned to Sheriff.~
go home now! i will deal with this.
~the mare watched her son leave the lands before turning to the filly, WildSong. as she spoke her voice was not hard as it just was, but instead soft and kind. a soothingness to it.~
did you mean what you said? anger can create emotions and words you often regret showing. i am a mother, and i know that if Sheriff were to say that to me, i might kill my self. i'm not sure, but i'm guessing your mother would forgive you if you apologized. that is if you want to apologize. you say her eye is too watchful...she does it out of the love for you. she doesn't want to see you hurt. instead of not being her daughter, you could speak with her, tell her she is too watchful. besides, you are almost old enough to no longer need her care, but even so you'd still be her daughter. she would still protect you, but your boundries would be far greater. it is up to you. do you wish what you and she said? eye for an eye.:.
.:.a tooth for a tooth.:.
.:.that is revenge.:.
Sweet Revenge
§-the yearling watched the scene alongside his mother, the outcome nothing like he had expected. he started to speak before his mother silenced him and sent him home, just then remembering he was not to talk with anyone. he sighed, turning from the scene and walking home, giving a second glance to WildSong as he went.-§
revenge leads to trouble
trouble leads to the cops
watch out for the sheriff
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