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Subject: Re: Teenage challenges

Dr. G
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Date Posted: 10:00:24 03/05/01 Mon
In reply to: Alisa Myles 's message, "Teenage challenges" on 11:32:04 03/04/01 Sun

A great post, Alisa!
I hopep eople share ideas, thoughts, opinions on thos topic. It is well worth discussing! For example, sexual decision making can be added to your list as well. They live in a "today only" world at times, forgetting they may have to answer to their actions tomorrow
I hope others get involved with this, particularly with your question about what educators can do

>During our last class we talked about a teenager's
>growing sense of responsibility and them becoming more
>aware of consequences. What we didn't talk about was
>the flip side of that -- an age for shirking
>responsibility and not believe the consequences of
>their actions. The risk taking and experimentation in
>this stage of life can be taken to extreme. I am
>thinking of the cases of heavy drug abuse and teenage
>murderers and other criminal behavior. It is an age
>when people seem naturally driven to "press the
>envelope" and can develop a disdain for authority.
>There is also this sense of invincibility or an "it
>won't happen to me" attitude. Our sense of morality
>doesn't seem all that set in that stage in our lives.
>I'm sure we all remember an occasion or two from our
>adolescence that we can't believe we did or got away
>with. Does the media exacerbate these tendencies? How
>can educators get through to the risk takers and those
>playing with fire? How can you make education sexier
>than guns?

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Re: Teenage challengesAngel Volpe12:48:27 03/12/01 Mon

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