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Subject: Re: Teenage challenges

Angel Volpe
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Date Posted: 12:48:27 03/12/01 Mon
In reply to: Alisa Myles 's message, "Teenage challenges" on 11:32:04 03/04/01 Sun

I do believe that DEVELOPMENTALLY adolescents should become more responsible. This progression is not always fast or steady. The media can both help and hinder the natural development. There is also a great deal of nurture impacting this argument... it reminds me of the urban vs. suburban debate in class. Many people feel that suburban adolscents are more responsible, less likely to push the proverbial envelope and more likely to succeed in life. I have found, however, that urban teenagers are often more responsible in that they accept and handle the consequences of their actions. This raises the issue of what constitutes reponsible action or responsibility. For many urban students, guns and drugs are not sexier than school, but they are more real/relevant to their lives. Suburban students, in an undirected search for self, tend to gravitate toward the glorified vices of the city (guns, drugs, even sex) without always realizing the downside (death, death, AIDS/pregnancy). In fact, more affluent, suburban students may maintain their glorified and skewed perception of these things because their families gloss over the consequences of their actions. Back to the media: I have noticed an increase of violence in my school and in other schools, public/parochial/urban and suburban, since the little boy at Lea Elem. was not charged with possession of a loaded weapon. While the media was correct in reporting the incident, did they need to stress that minors (under 10) cannot be held responsible for their actions? It is questionable to stretch the "right" to bear arms under 10, because there is not legal consequence for actions.

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