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Subject: Re: Bomber escorts

John Ewing
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Date Posted: 05:46:44 04/13/02 Sat
In reply to: Chandler R. 's message, "Bomber escorts" on 17:34:56 01/01/02 Tue

Remember that the producers of movies today, whilst wanting to be historically accurate, don't have the luxury of being able to get their hands on many flight-worthy planes from WW2. In reality there are more Spitfires flying today than Hurricanes - that is likely the reason for the use of Spitfires in the movie.
Anyone who read the novel "Piece of Cake" which chronicled the lives of fighter pilots during WW2 in France and then saw the adapted UK TV series of the same name would have noted that the book featured Hurricanes but the TV series used Spitfires.


>I have a debate about the movie Pearl Harbor. During
>the part in which Ben Afleck is transferred to the
>Eagle Squadron, theres a scene when he's flying a
>escort for bombers. What I noticed is that he was and
>so were his wingmen, flying Supermarine Spitfires. To
>my knowledge that part is incorrect. During the
>Battle of Britain, the RAF used the famed Hawker
>Hurricane to escort all bomber attempts because of its
>great stability and ability to sustain heavy flak.
>but I also know that there were some Spitfires used to
>double escort. But during the film I was only able to
>see Spits. I also know that some times this role was
>swithced. The Hurricanes would intercept imcoming
>Stukas or HE-111s or JU-88s or DO-17s. And then the
>Spits would escort the Hurricanes or take on any 109s
>that took any offensive action. If anyone is out
>there with knowledge about this subject please
>Happy Holidays,

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Re: Bomber escortsFOULDUDE18:42:59 07/14/02 Sun

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