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Subject: Apologies for a generic note. MEL HURTIG

W. H. Wolferstan perjfh
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Date Posted: 11:26:47 05/21/03 Wed
Author Host/IP: d150-99-156.home.cgocable.net/

Apologies for a generic note.

Since the publication of The Vanishing Country, my Victoria speech and the recent Globe and Mail page-op, I have been swamped with e-mails from as far away as Oman and New Zealand.

I do my best to reply to each e-mail, but frequently I cannot do justice to long requests for comment and information. Much as I would like to reply to all enquiries by e-mail, there just isn’t enough time in the day to do so and also attend to my research, writing and preparation of new speeches.

I hasten to add that I do appreciate hearing from you and I do carefully read what you send.

Vanishing has been a great success, reaching #2 on the Toronto Star bestseller list, #3 in Maclean’s , and staying on most lists for almost 5 months. McClelland and Stewart will publish a paperback edition in September, and this time there will be an index.

I do want to thank many of you for your most generous comments about the book and the Cellucci speech (which produced over 1,000 e-mails). If you have received this communication from Linda Grisley it’s likely that you were in touch with me via e-mail. If you would like your name removed from our future distributions which we hope to send out from time to time, please advise.

Many of you have asked how you can help. For now, the best way would be for you to e-mail the communications you receive from us to as many good Canadians as possible, and ask them to do the same thing. This would be most helpful as I am going to try to supply you with important and interesting new material, hopefully at least once a month.

(I would also like to thank the many Americans who have so positively responded to my comments re Cellucci, Iraq etc).

Those of you who have read The Vanishing Country know that I said four things must happen if Canada is to survive as an independent country. One of the four dealt with the possibility of a new political party. Many of you have responded very positively to such a suggestion even though in the book I caution how difficult this will be. In recent weeks some of you have contacted me asking about what is happening re a new party. For my own part, I am waiting to see what happens to David Orchard, to Paul Hellyer’s bid to have several parties get together, and to see what if any kind of bounce Jack Layton gets after the well-televised leadership convention. While I have some pretty strong views on all of these, most of which I have already expressed in the last chapters of Vanishing, I’m going to wait until late summer before writing to you again about the

prospects for or necessity for a new political party.

However, I do wish to emphasize, as I did in my book and Globe article, that in my opinion in Paul Martin we will be getting Mulroney II and the sellout of Canada will not only continue but accelerate. Of course if this happens it won’t be too long before our descent into colonial status is irreversible.

As I wrote in Vanishing “Ultimately, this book is about only two questions. First, do you or do you not care about the survival of Canada? And second, if you do care, what are you going to do about the fact that our country is vanishing so rapidly?”

One thing lifts my spirits – the great number of Canadians from all parts of our country who love Canada and have been in touch with me in recent months.

I believe that most of you will have been in touch with Susan Thompson and her new website www.vivelecanada.ca.

I hope that many of you will volunteer to give her the help she needs. It’s important, and an invaluable opportunity to build a movement for a strong, independent and sovereign Canada.

I can’t emphasize enough that with Paul Martin’s coming coronation we’ll be getting at a minimum four or five more years of the tragic sellout of our country that began in 1984. The colony of Canada surely awaits us unless we can turn things around.

Mel Hurtig

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Re: Apologies for a generic note. MEL HURTIGDeah McNeill21:10:16 05/06/04 Thu

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