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Date Posted: 16:38:01 06/19/02 Wed
Author: prophet of the dark
Subject: visions of he dark...

with a sweep of my steel blade i take my vengence
the ground will be stained red with the blood of my victims
a genocide of peoples of a starved land with no hope of life
no hope for anything

and i shall rule with a bloody fist of iron
peace is a useless tool of the cowardly and weak
foolish ones will fall along with the guilty and the marked
marked to die by me

with the death of many i shall sit upon my throne
scarlet, dark as the blood that spills from my victims
i hold back nothing as i stain the land with my vengence
in my visions

visions of the dark...
darkness in a land ruled by my
darkness to defeat the light
the light
the light that will be banished by the land
the blood that i draw will not even match the blood drawn
drawn by the light
sacrifices to the sun
sacrifices of the son
murders in the name of the son
the father
the holy ghost
ghost of the past
the darkness comes
and it will set its rule
and i will rule its lands

one can see no more in pure light than if can in pure dark
there for its rule can be no worse than the rule of light
if good cannot exist with evil than good is as evil as i
i am the darkness

and when i pass into eternal hell as the devil's Lieutenant
all the world shall follow me into the depths of the fire
and no soul shall escape into the bliss of ignorance
and i shall rulle the depths

my words will come to truth believe no lies of faith
when faith of lies is cleansed from the land of man
then only will my reign not come for it is then that i...
will already have won

visions of the dark...
darkness in a land ruled by my
darkness to defeat the light
the light
the light that will be banished by the land
the blood that i draw will not even match the blood drawn
drawn by the light
sacrifices to the sun
sacrifices of the son
murders in the name of the son
the father
the holy ghost
ghost of the past
the darkness comes
and it will set its rule
and i will rule its lands

visions of the dark...
visions of the dark...
visions of the dark...

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