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Date Posted: 14:43:08 07/27/02 Sat
Author: Kilgore
Subject: TRASHED

Mathematically intertwined
inside a locked box

of nothing
finally fitting
into place
they've passed through
all our chaos and disorder

I’ve created a better world
from a homeless man
who wrote an evil poem

But I can’t sleep
have no desire to eat
I need a fix,
it hurts inside
so beside this locked box I cry

Everything brings its own splendor
and my own death no longer worries me
the total error of everything
is but a small part
of anything we've seen

Age like love
is a hideous crime
deliberately wasting
all that survives

I’m losing clumps of my hair
does anyone care?
A cop slows down
and fires his rifle
across a desolate road

There was a time
when I would blindly climb
up a mountain
just to feel I was alive

feeding an ever closing
that asks only for
but causes disgrace

My fingers reach for the bottle
but find the pills
All of it works
And I know the gun is near

All trash like drunken dreams
swim into a sewer
and fight for their needs

None of it knows
I’m even alive
maybe I’m not

hell, you decide

I was a hero in a revolution
not so long ago
I told the children
of a sweet dark calmness
and of gardens overgrown

Now I just have pockets full of dust
but it use to be enough
What's happened to this world
does anybody know?
<br><br><center><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size="-1">Please Visit <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://members3.boardhost.com/kilgore/"> KILGORE'S OPEN POETRY FORUM</a></font></CENTER>

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