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Subject: You know you spend way too much time in the clubs when...

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Date Posted: 12:30:16 04/10/01 Tue

1) You start dancing in the laundry room to the sound of your socks & jeans rolling around.

2) You constantly point out the trippy visuals in everyday life.

3) You can't pass an empty warehouse, church, school or open field...without getting that far-off look on your eye & saying "what a great place 4 a party".

4) You have party flyers as carpet, or refrigerator decoration.

5) You always drink water.

6) You're always broke.

7) On your way home you feel like you're in a video game.

8) When hygiene is so optional @ 7am you go to the after party anyway.

9) You don't dress to look cool, but to feel cool.

10) You can stand in front of a 5000 Watt speaker for an hour & love every minute of it.

11) Your household appliances have a funky beat.

12) You can dance anywhere and do.

13) You get an evil grin every time you see commercials for the "E" channel.

14) You are happy to be drenched in sweat.

15) You know how to smile.

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