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Subject: Answer a question for me

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Date Posted: 12:11:41 04/11/01 Wed

I've been hearing the argument that "club kids and underground people are bad for promoters because they never want to pay for anything". Promoters see people like all of you and think that they would rather get a bunch of glammers because they supposedly will pay the cover charge and buy a lot of alcohol.


I went to Cedric's Derrick May party last Friday and saw a LOT of these "club kids" and "underground people", and the bars were blazing at 90 MPH with the bartenders serving drinks like crazy (and it was not open bar).

So I want to HONESTLY know...

When you reach the front door, are you:

a) one of those people that never pays cover, just because everyone knows you?

b) you find the way towards free entry via guest list or RSVP, so you end up getting in free or discounted?

c) you just pay full cover all the time.

As for drinking habits, do you:

1) know someone working at the venue and he/she gives you free drinks all night?

2) buy one drink or one bottle of water, and that's it?

3) never buy anything, or hit a bar or hangout and get cheaper drinks before clubbing?

4) end up spending a small chunk of your paycheck on alcohol?

BE HONEST...I hopefully want to prove a point.

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