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Subject: No one knew Banana was bonkers--he he he ha ha ha

fooled the lot of them--LOL
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Date Posted: 16:42:49 02/10/03 Mon
In reply to: The whole stockmarket doesn't know about it (you fooled em) 's message, "Don't worry Hahaha and Barry Pittman--with Caltex Steve Bonkers banned at 1.63" on 16:11:22 02/10/03 Mon

bananapassion (ID#: 413508) Hi Relenza HVN Computershare IHG 22/9/02 11:49:47 PM 5557643
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Hi Relenza---on a personal note I have a non competitive view of the stockmarket and I talk directly and honestly with others on BB's--I tend not to as so many others do obscure my language in cloaked terms--sometimes I do--if the source of origin requests that.
Many times though it is just something I find ina company announcement section----on Ebet I have been forcibly been following the stock for years on the BB--and have observed it's share trend and am aware for instance that 13c is a strong support level--so I can state quite emphatically 13c is a goer--there are others who have that ability too---they will say sell it---I react to that dishonesty--my view of myself is good for what I have written correlates with my belief system not against it.
Anyway that is me above---you have a range of stocks all free float affected---a lot are on a list on the IDT thread posted by January 11---there are more company's not on the list that have been affected as well--the easiest way to find if your company is on the list is to go to the Stanadard and Poors website---put your company's name through the search engine and it will return all references to it.
On free float that was brought in a couple of years ago---it favours those company's with a wide shareholder base where the majority of shares are open to mums and dads---to give an exaple that comes to mind and is immediately apparent would be Harvey Norman--and also Computershare these company's have registers where a lot of the stock is owned by the management themselves---so they get downweighted--haven't examined the share register of Norwood Abbey---howver if you have experienced downward movement in the share price---do not necessarily think that has anything to do with the investment merits for or against the stock of Nal---when a company is dropped or added it makes no statement about whether the entity is good or bad--it is just for the reasons above---on BB's there are [plenty of manipulative shysters who will tryu and tell you something else---they are incorrect.
The importance of the dates are that if you have experienced that downward pressure in share price--it should begin to be releieved on Nal---if Norwood Abbey is a good company and there has been any shorting of it--it will need to be covered---I have never really examined the company in a meaningful way---you would have that knowlege--I have briefly at times looked at Norwood and I do like what I see. I would check the register to see how many shares are owned and so forth this will give you an idea.
The date of the 30th of the 9th---is I imagine allowance for one day before settlement--actually I'm thinking you count three days back from the 30th--making it the 27th--anyway around this time will be an interesting period for many company's Incidentally the last of the free float selling has occured on Intellect with Dutch based ING selling thie holding at 22.5c--and thus getting ris of the overhang--it is worth more than it's present price based on known financials giving a p/e of around 12 gives a valuation of around 50 to 55c.
Good to correspond with you on the BB. You sound like a very nice person.

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Re:they got me on this post though for being offensivebanned right after this--as you can see I'm dangerous16:51:22 02/10/03 Mon

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