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Subject: Ok... the sad thing... oh wait, I am the sad thing

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 13, 04:43:52pm

I've been dealing with a slump of sorts in my writing...
so I went back to that site and got back into it enough...
like the slam, and a few other things...

It seems to be working, as I'm writing somewhat more frequently, but I really do miss the feeling I had in the first month or so of being part of that site...
It's not the same after time has passed...
As far as I'm concerned I will never be a mod, and I don't want to be, but there was a time when there wasn't anything I wanted more....

the other part of this is I have this friend that guilt trips me everytime they think I'm leaving...

I think at this point I'm only still there to be involved in my own writing...
I hardly go out of my way for recognition or even getting people to read my stories/poems/whatever...
(I've been there about 10 months and I don't even have 1000 port views yet) but it doesn't even matter to me

I guess I'm still there because it's a good place to post the things I want to post, and ask certain people what they think and if they can help me when I'm stuck on something...
other than that...
I really don't do much....

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Subject Author Date
Re: Ok... the sad thing... oh wait, I am the sad thingShooty *hugs*Monday, February 17, 03:55:26pm
Re: Ok... the sad thing... oh wait, I am the sad thingMiss CellaneaTuesday, February 18, 05:26:10am

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