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Subject: Re: real-time message board

Shoots doesn't like writing sites!
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Date Posted: Tuesday, March 04, 08:52:28pm
In reply to: oh..just mi ahhhhhh! 's message, "Re: real-time message board" on Thursday, February 27, 10:42:12pm

Hi Miah! I left Author's Den because I got a few idiot reviews..I mean not helpful ones at all..things like "Are you trying to be witty?" or "Maybe if you tried less to be profound and worked harder at writing your story would actually be interesting!" NOW that doesn't help me AT ALL..give me specifics, help me with plot/character/theme etc..but don't personally insult me!

SO I wiped that slate clean and I don't want to be involved with any writing sites anymore..just don't want it. I'll have to be content with whoever reads my stuff here, M. and my creative writing teacher. Truth is I've been so damn busy I can barely get two words down a week!

Miss you Mi..good like at AD and at everything! Luv you!:)

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