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Subject: Re: Happy Valentine's Day Yem and Shooty

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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 19, 09:58:45am
In reply to: Shooty is glad to see Erin!! 's message, "Re: Happy Valentine's Day Yem and Shooty" on Monday, February 17, 03:59:08pm

Thanks Erin, yes, long time no see.

Maine is BETTER than California...even if it is 10 degrees and snowing back there right now (I know good grammar.)

Two clams on a beach? That remeinds me of a story (I am just making up now):

There were two clams, "Shoety" and "Yammy" and they never saw eye to eye when it came to snacks. "Shoety" thought that "Yammy" should eat whole grains and bean sprouts while "Yammy" pretty much existed on pudding and Moxie. One day "Shoety" was harping about herbal teas and "Yammy" just started burying her deep into the clam flat. "There!" shouted Yammy, "enjoy your mud bath!" Yammy...as happy as a clam(no pun is a bad pun) then reached for a cheeseburger and waited for Shoety to dig herself out..."Twill not be fun for me when she reaches the top!" thought Yammy, while munching the greasy burger down in 3 bites.

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