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Subject: The little train that couldn't

Story Yem
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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 12, 08:30:54am

There was a little train called "Leroy" (a great name for a little train don't you think?) Well anyway(1), Leroy, he a gambler...oops, sorry, that's a Jim Croce song...Leroy was small and lacked the strength of the big trains but he had lots of heart...don't ask me how a train can have a heart because I have a lot more of these horrible personifications coming up so save your breath...anyway(2)he just never could make that really big hill that was just outside of Vassalboro (Maine, don't you know) near route 201. So one day all the big trains were laughing at littlr Leroy and "Hobart" the biggest of the trains says to Leroy, "You half pint, I should spit on you!" Little Leroy got extremely angry but said nothing. When Big Hobart turned around however, Leroy slammed a railroad tie over his caboose crushing the huge train into a zillion pieces.

Little Leroy still couldn't make that hill but nobody messed with the little guy...except the Train God, who saw what Leroy had done and refused to feed him coal...poor Leroy died of starvation.

The End!

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Subject Author Date
Re: The little train that couldn'tShooty says hmm..Wednesday, February 12, 03:38:24pm
Re: The little train that couldn'tMiss CellaneaSunday, February 16, 09:24:23am

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