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Subject: Kimahri makes an appearance!

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Date Posted: 19:44:14 12/03/03 Wed
In reply to: Tawny 's message, "Auron... going soft?" on 19:56:04 12/02/03 Tue

"Hey,what about Lulu?"Wakka asked.
"Exactly!"Zidane shouted."Let's get going!"
The group began to wander the forest again,referring to Tidus's map every once in a while.They were all pretty positive they were heading in the general direction of Luca.
Auron lead them,followed by Tidus and Zidane,who were both puzzling over Tidus's map.Following those two were Yuna and little Aurie, and last Rikku and Wakka.
Aurie suddenly ran up to the front of the group,up next to Auron.
"Where are we going,sir?"
Auron smiled a little,but it was hid by his collar and glasses.
"Well,we're looking for a friend of mine,"Auron said,with almost a kind tone in his voice,"her name is Lulu."
"Is she pretty?"
Auron laughed inwardly."Yes,very."
"Okay...sir,may I ask what your name is?"Aurie asked,his dark eyes glowing.
Auron stared straight at Aurie.It was difficult for even him to believe he had once been this small boy with large eyes and a kind heart.
Should I tell him?I mean,I am him.
Auron leaned down to the small boy and looked straight into his deep brown eyes.
My eyes.
"Well,Aurie"Auron sighed."I'm...Auron."
"Wow.We got the same names!"Aurie cried happily.
Suddenly Auron heard Zidane."Whoa,you guys,who the hell is that?"
Auron stood up straight and stared into the shadows.Auron prepared his sword.Suddenly...

Zidane let out a sudden cry as Kimahri leaped out of the shadows.He laughed as Zidane jumped backwards,his mind terrorized from the Ronso.Zidanes tail curled tightly around his leg until he could no longer feel it.
"Well,don't I get a welcome?What's this?"Kimahri grinned as he neared Zidane."You guys dragging a child around with you?"Kimahri said reffering to Zidane.Yuna put her hand on Auries shoulder...

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