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Subject: Auron's Anger At It's Extreme...

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Date Posted: 19:17:25 12/11/03 Thu
In reply to: Tawny 's message, "Speechless Auron" on 18:53:17 12/11/03 Thu

"Is...everything okay here?"Zidane asked softly.Auron turned away from Aurie and the child raced to Yuna and began to cry.Auron couldn't remember any of this happening.What was going on.

When Auron first touched the thing on the tree,after his jolt,he could feel apart of him missing,like a peice of him was ripped away from him.The missing peice was Aurie,Auron as a child in the past.
When Auron found Aurie,he felt connected to the child by a band of knowing.Auron could remember this happening to him.

Now,as Aurie rebelled from him,it was like the band was broked,they were no longer connected.Aurie was almost a completely different person,except he was still Auron.Anything Aurie did Auron was affected by it in tiny ways.Like when Aurie was bleeding,Auron had felt just the tiniest of Aurie's loos of blood.
The only thing different was now,Auron was not sure what would happen to Aurie.Aurie might die!It was very possible since Auron himself was dead already,though Aurie didn't know that.
Aurie stopped crying for a moment and looked at Auron,and the strange thing was,he looked almost exactly how Auron himself looked,and Auron could see it.
Auron felt something brush against his arm and noticed a pale blonde tail nudgung him slightly.He looked up at Zidane and the teen had a worried look on his face.Kimahri stood up next to Yuna.Zidane shied away.
"Kimahri protect Yuna's Aurie too!"
Yuna's Aurie?
Auron felt blood rush to his head in anger.Aurie was him,and he did not belong to Yuna.He felt like grabbing the nearest person,which would be Zidane,and choking the life out of them.He knew what was best for Aurie!He needed to go back,NOW!
Auron didn't voice these thoughts,but stood stock still.
"Please..."Aurie whispered.

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