Subject: back at the campsite |
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Date Posted: 15:39:25 01/08/04 Thu
In reply to:
's message, "Areo-Godess Of Destruction" on 13:34:01 01/06/04 Tue
"I'm coming for you, Kiana," a fierce voice snarled. "I'll get you even if it's the last thing I do..."
She woke with a start, her heart pounding and sweat pouring down her face. It was just starting to get light out.
Kiana stretched and looked over the sleeping group. She rubbed her eyes. It couldn't have been... but not everyone was there.
She slowly walked over to the empty sleeping places. All of their things were still there, and there was no sign of them leaving. No footprints or anything.
What could've happened? she wondered. Kiana quickly walked over to Rikku's sleeping place and shook her awake none too gently. "Rikku," she hissed. "They're gone!"
"Who?" Rikku mumbled.
"Auron, Zidane, Wakka, Vivi... Rikku, they're gone!"
It took a few seconds for the full impact of that statement to be absorbed. Rikku stared at Kiana speechless, all sleepiness forgotten. "Where did they go?"
Kiana shrugged helplessly. How would she know? Rikku put her head in her hands. It felt like it was going to explode...
"We need to know where they went," Rikku said authoritively, finally looking up. Kiana felt like this was kind of a "duh," but she held her tongue. "Who knows where they've gone off to? They need our help, and we need theirs..." Rikku's voice trailed off. "Without them with us, we don't even have much of a chance of surviving..."
"We have the masters of white and black magic." Kiana tried to reassure her, but it didn't work.
Rikku shook her head in annoyance. "Look, Lulu's good, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Vivi is at least ten times better than her. And he's only, what? Eleven? Imagine the power he'll have when he's my age! And Yuna can barely take a hit." Rikku groaned. "Don't you see? We're toast without Auron, Vivi, and those guys..."
Kiana had to admit, they had it pretty bad now. It didn't mean that things were hopeless, though. They could still pull back. "We'll just search for them, that's all. We'll just survive until then."
Rikku worriedly scan the horizon. "You really think that we have a chance?" she asked finally.
"Of course we do," Kiana reassured her.
"Okay..." Rikku stood up. "We need to tell the others now. Come on, let's go..."
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