Subject: Time To Play |
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Date Posted: 15:30:24 01/10/04 Sat
Shepherd awoke to someone shaking him vigorously,and tried to ward them off with his hands.
"Go,away...I'm sleeping,"he said,eyes hardly open.
"Shepherd!You need to get up!We're on danger alert!Part of the group is gone!"Kiana cried.Shep suddenly sat straight up.
The few people who were there,gathered around and began talking quickly,in panic.Shep didn't sweat too much about it at the moment.The only thing that mattered was grooming his tail first thing when he woke up.He combed it gently with a soft brush,stroking it over and over,until it began to get super soft and shiny.He admired his tail for the moment,until he realized people were looking at him.
"Shep,don't you even care what is happening?"Lulu asked.
"No.Not really."
Kiana stared at Shep with this strange look on her face,like she didn't even know who he was,"Shepherd,who are you?"
Shep stared blankly at her.
"You're not the little brother I remember,"Kiana said coldly.Shep got onto his feet in a flash.
"You know what!No,I'm not!"Shep hissed angrily.
"Shep,is this because of-"Kiana started.
"YES!You know what?It is!"Shep roared at her."I'm not going with you guys,or something bad is going to happen.It always does!Mom because of me!Aurie didn't leave until I WAS WITH HIM-ahhh!"
Tidus had grabbed Shep by the front of his shirt in anger.He pulled Shep so close to his face hardly an inch was between the two.Shep's visible eye was wide with terror,and Tidus's were filled with a strange icy anger.
"Don't you...EVER...say anything like that again!You don't even understand why Aurie had to leave!"Tidus screamed,though his voice began to crack as if though he were about to cry.
Tidus pitched Shep back to the ground and the boy cried in pain of his landing,but Tidus could care less.
"We need a plan,"Rikku said softly.
~It's time to play!~
They had tromped a few miles from there original location.The group got unusually quite,which slightly spooked Zidane.He secretly wished Aurie were here.He had been the only one who Zidane could talk to,but Aurie was gone now,and maybe never coming back.
Zidane suddenly glanced up and saw a small figure off in the distance,soming their way.It was extremely large,and looked something like a giant scorpion.
"WATCH OUT!"Zidane suddenly screamed.
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