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Subject: Re: Tuesday's the day 03.20.07

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Date Posted: 08:17:38 03/19/07 Mon
In reply to: Eliza 's message, "Tuesday's the day 03.20.07" on 22:08:36 03/18/07 Sun

Your post states some "telling" things:

tuesday is the day. i'm 19 and frightened. my boyfriend and i have been together for 2 years and we just couldn't believe we were pregnant. as far as i know, i'm about 8 weeks. not only do i cry damn near everyday but i realized i will be going through the procedure by myself. my boyfriend won't be coming with me. i don't know what to do. i know i can't change my mind because i am in no position to raise a child. but everytime i rub my stomach i just think of what a blessing he or she could be. my parents will never no and neither will my siblings. i feel all alone. i guess i'm just posting this so can get some words of wisdom from women who have been through this already especially women my age. just any words of advice right now would be good.

I think there are some red flags here - and your concerns are valid - an abortion is really not a simple procedure that makes a problem just go away. If you had some time to read through the posts at
the post abortion healing board (http://www.voy.com/129741/) you will see how it has deeply affected the women that post there. I really think women should have pre-abortion counseling - and not just a 20 minute conversation about how "easy" it is.

If you start off with this many doubts, Wednesday is going to be even harder. You should NOT go through this alone - you NEED to tell your parents, or a close sibling or a friend. Your parents LOVE you and would NOT want to see you deal with this alone. Many women have unplanned pregnancies, and I think the stigma of it all has really lessened.

If you are not in the position to raise a child, there are plenty of good people on long waiting lists wanting to do that for you. It is a very selfless act of love to give your child to someone to raise (adoption). Not only that, but it can also be very healing for you - not destructive, as abortion is the majority of the time. And you are right in thinking this child is already a blessing Eliza - and will continue to be a blessing to many.

I'm sorry you're feeling alone - but that feeling will honestly only get worse if you go through with this. Please at least give yourself a little more time before going through with an abortion. Get some more advice and counseling - seek out other options and don't let anyone bully you into something your not ready for.

Hang in there - email me back if you want to. I'm pulling for you!


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[> [> Subject: Re: Tuesday's the day 03.20.07

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Date Posted: 19:44:29 03/20/07 Tue

Hi, i have just read your message and hope this reply does not come to you to late.
I had an abortion 2 months ago and I can not begin to tell you the pain I am suffering now. I had no idea it could have this effect on me and I urge you if its not to late to take a little more time in making your desicion. You really need to be 100% sure. I know you can see no other way but there other options and one way or another you would cope, we just do. it would be awful to think another women could end up feeling the way I do.
I truly wish you all the best in whatever you decide.

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