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Subject: Re: So _soon

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Date Posted: 21:11:05 09/10/07 Mon
In reply to: Hanna 's message, "So _soon" on 15:06:19 09/09/07 Sun

Dear Hanna,

I'm sorry for the pain you are going through. The reality is that you need to mourn the loss you have experienced. It was a loss, and any loss we have leaves a hole in our lives. It's important to give yourself permission to feel sad, and to grieve, but it's also very important that you move on and don't get stuck in that grief. There are many avenues to working through the pain and sorrow and one thing you may find helpful is more conversation about the experience. There's another site that has more activity:


You may also want to consider a personal journal. Writing down your feelings and thoughts on the matter and working through it that way can be helpful.

There are also FREE post-abortion counseling services at most Crisis Pregnancy Centers - you can find one near you at this site:


It's probably hard for your b/f and your friend to truly understand the emotions you are feeling. I'm sure they care and want to help, but they just don't know how.

I'm glad you posted, please look at the sites I've mentioned here and keep working on finding that peace you need to make it through all this.

Also remember, no one is perfect, never will be - only Jesus was - and so we all stand before Him in need of forgiveness and healing. He still loves you Hanna.


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